
NEW!!! Microsoft DirectX Object Import &
Both Binary and ASCII files are supported, including motion data. This is great news for
those developing games and interactive 3D content!! You will no longer need to purchase
separate (expensive!) modules for this purpose!

NEW!!! OpenGL
OpenGL support for real-time solid modeling.
This extends the range of 3D hardware acceleration options. Many of the higher-end 3D
accelerators today support OpenGL.
There are several key reasons to consider OpenGL, including:
• Pentium-specific tuning in
both geometry & rasterization.
• MMX tuning for rasterization, improved fill rates 3x-7x on MMX processors.
• OpenGL scales very well. There are implementations for unaccelerated PC's,
accelerated PC's, and very high-performance graphics workstations.
• One of the design goals was to make image quality a priority. As a result, OpenGL
delivers high performance without exhibiting the annoying rendering artifacts found with
other API's.
• trueSpace3.2 now delivers high quality real-time shaded mode to Windows NT users!
With OpenGL, this can also be hardware accelerated under NT!!
Expanded!!! Plug-in interface
With this new interface, plug-ins create their own objects that can
be manipulated by all trueSpace tools including key-frame editor, navigation, etc...