Here it is! All of the information you've been craving regarding Trueclips3!!

Q: When can I expect to get my Trueclips3?
A: We have started shipping product on Monday, 12/15/1997!

Q: How do I make sure I get mine?
A: All Truespace3 users who have sent in their registration cards will receive Trueclips3! (If you haven't sent in your card yet, please do so today!)

Q: What's on it? I want details!
A: Well.. There's so much to talk about, but here you go:

Trueclips3 represents a very "well-rounded" compilation of useful materials for today's 3D Artist. Everybody knows that 3D objects and textures are the primary resource for anyone doing 3D. (And we've got lots! Over 900 objects and 450 textures!)

We've included objects from the world's leading providers of 3D content.. These objects are provided in native Caligari .cob format, and were tested using Truespace3. There are also some great textures, including real-world scans such as tire treads, rust, weathered wood, plus animated textures of actual explosions, clouds, etc.

Going beyond that, we wanted to add other components to your toolbox - things that we think you'll use on a daily basis.. Things that will help you complete a variety of projects, independent of the final media.

For instance, since audio is such an important part of projects that trueSpace users will produce, we've included many audio clips ranging from full musical scores to "effects."

Also included are demos of "The" standard Windows audio programs - Sound Forge and Sound Forge XP! People who need to ensure proper synchronization of video frames and audio often use Sound Forge. An added benefit is that Sound Forge also supports many of today's streaming formats for the WWW. We've also arranged a very special discount available only to Truespace3 customers: Sound Forge 4 for only $299 (List=$495) or Sound Forge XP for $99 (List=$149)

We also know that many of our users are producing content for the Web. To help give you another edge on the competition, we have worked out a special deal with an innovator in panoramic imaging technology - Infinite Pictures! For only $99, Truespace3 users can obtain the "Real World Navigation Tools" package, which is designed to enable CG users to produce interactive panoramas of existing 3D worlds - directly from within Truespace3. If you're curious about this technology, you can demo the Real World Navigation Tools for 21 days before you buy. Since this allows you to add hotspots and avatars, it's perfect for creating content for CD-ROMs or the WWW!

In fact, the interface for Trueclips3 was produced in HTML and interactive panoramas! You'll be able to quickly find what you're looking for by browsing through high quality thumbnails of all objects. See how Truespace3 and the Real World Navigation tools were used together to create a cool, 3D, interactive interface. We made sure that using Trueclips3 would be fun, fast, and immersive..

So, we've got 3D objects, textures, sounds, demos, special offers.. To complete the package, we've also included the much talked about Truespace3.1 patch for those users who have not yet downloaded it! The tS3.1 patch includes our totally redesigned Keyframe Editor, Vertex Animation capabilities, DirectX 5 support, Area Rendering, Animation Preview, Cubic Texture Mapping, and Vertex Weld/Erase..

Q: Can this get any better?
A: Well, it might be tough, but: We'll be holding a contest soon for users of Trueclips3. We'll be selecting certain materials from this disc for you to use, and we'll judge who can be the most creative and inspiring! It's your chance to win great stuff!! Go to our WWW site and check out the details on the Trueclips3 page!

Q: So, what vendors have contributed to Trueclips3?
A: It's quite a list, but here you go..

3D Objects:

Ralph Barber
Bruce Blackstone
C.E. Technology
Computer Aided Animation
Crowfoot Creations
Luke Derossi
Scott Dyer
H.A.S.C. Biographics Research
Imagination Works
Ketiv & Modern Medium
Komodo Studios / Hieroglyfx
Model Masters
Noumenon Labs
Frank Panucci
Presentation Techniques
Replica Technologies
Frank Rivera
Dan Stiles
Schreiber Instruments
E.W. Swan
Viewpoint Datalabs
Contents from Yahoo 3D (Created by Caligari)
Zygote Media Group


Jacec Artymiak
Ketiv / Modern Medium Marlin Studios
Frank Panucci
Replica Technology
Frank Rivera
RSS, Inc.
Dan Stiles
E.W. Swan
VCE ("Pyromania")
Video Collage


DBS Music
M&S Multimedia Music Studios


Infinite Pictures
Maximum Interactive
Sonic Foundry

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