Caligari 3rd Parties

tSx Plug-in Developers

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Sculptor Pro 4D Vision

Sculptor Pro

4D Vision, Inc.

Sculptor Pro is an extremely elaborate NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-splines) modeling package. Sculptor Pro will support trueSpace3 .cob and .scn formats. Future versions will include tSX compatibility to plug into trueSpace3. (Coming Soon!)


Vertilictric Blevins Enterprises, Inc.


Blevins Enterprises, Inc.

This plug-in allows animators to create highly realistic lightning and organic effects. Very useful for special effects, very realistic, animatable.


Real World Navigation Infinite Imgages

Real World Navigation

Infinite Pictures, Inc.

Real World Navigation system is used to create "3D Panoramic" images. Currently, this works with trueSpace via custom camera arrangement. Infinite Pictures is currently developing a trueSpace3 tSX version.


indian(Instacom).jpg (6075 bytes) Infinite Imgages

Facepro 1.0b


Easy to learn, animated lip sync, eye blinks and facial expressions. Works with most existing models. Mouths are interchangeable using the join and weld tools. Only one model is needed for many face shape (or hand shapes) Lightning fast, polygonal light meshes.


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Sheba Dreams, Inc.

V-seed produces plants and trees of generic/fractal patterns. Variables for the plug-in include skeletal pattern complexity, leaf pattern complexity, texture bump mapping, real-time preview and granularity control to manage vertice and poly counts. By default, V-seed attempts to minimize polygon counts during generation.This Plugin is in progress.


View Master Naked Hoof

View Master

Naked Hoof

View Master gives you access to the location and look-at parameters of the active view's "eye". It also gives access to the zoom feature. This differs from the trueSpace3 features in that
you can now know exactly what the parameters are, or reset them to a particular view after manipulating the eye, etc.


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Array It!

Mages of the Blue Circle

This is an array propagation plug-in. It allows creation of multiple copies of an existing object at constant and/or regularly increasing/decreasing intervals and rotations from the original object (or a specified center point.) Creation of objects like the steps of a spiral stair case becomes just a matter of creating one stair and specifying the number of copies, a constant Z translation, and rotation, then clicking "Create". Array it! automatically glues all of the copied objects as siblings or children as one of it's options.


Work Smarter Not Harder

Joe Messina

Work Smarter Not Harder

This plug-in is a productivity tool. It helps make things easier by providing a floating primitives toolbar. On this toolbar, you can enter precise options for primitive creation, select defaults, etc.


Primal Particlz

Primitive Itch

Primal Particles

Primitive Itch

Create a particle stream by: creating stock objects, copying a selected object, or exploding a polyhedron. Adjust parameters using a visual interface, and watch the effects in a real-time preview mode. Control dozens of parameters including: flow, gravitation in x, y, and/or z, rebounding  and elasticity, rotation, etc. Record the animation in  tS forward or in reverse.
tSX Extender

tSX Extender

tSX Extender allows trueSpace3 users to install additional plug-ins beyond the default capacity of eight plug-ins at once. tSX Extender will accommodate as many plug-ins as memory will allow (functionally infinite.
tSx Factory

tSX Factory

tSX Factory is a plug-in framework for Delphi, allowing developers using Delphi develop tSX compatible plug-ins for trueSpace3.


tSx Builder

Keith Rome

tSX Builder

tSX Builder allows you to develop tSX plug-ins from within Borland's Delphi. First, it is an import unit for the Caligari SDK. It also includes a template project (sort of a "wrapper" around the tSX.DLL). Note: This project is currently under development, but available for beta. Please contact the vendor for availability.


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Tom Schlosser


Particlz is a particle system that generates animated "particle fountains". Options: Flow Rate, Max Altitude, Spray Angle, Num Frames, Max Size, Min Size, Particle Type, and Gravity.


Particlz2 is the new, professional version of the popular Particlz plug-in. Here's a summary of the new advanced options: Particle types: Your choice, even replicate your own objects. Four emission styles: Uniform, Gaussian, Explosion, Pulsed. Coltrols for flow rate, emission angles, velocities, etc. Emit from an area, not just a point.
More types of forces: Adjustable gravity, attractive and repulsive magnets, vortexes that act like tornadoes to the particles, wind, etc.



Sun Fish Studios


Sunfish Studio

TrueView is a drag and drop hierarchy editor for trueSpace3 scenes. Select an object in the scene by clicking on it's name in the list. Drag and drop to move or copy objects within hierarchy levels. Change object's name. Delete objects from scene.



Scott Vader


Waves creates "Wave" objects. Options: Three types (Straight, Circular, Peak), Height, Number of Waves, Resolution.


XYZ Plot

Urban Velkavrh

XYZ Plot

XYZ Plot is used to create objects defined by mathematical formulae. It enables you to create simple graphs of functions such as X^2+Y^2 or more complex.


Primitive Plus


Primitives Plus:

This plug-in creates fractal terrains, rocks, etc. Options: Shape used, Noise Scale, Noise Falloff, Noise Direction, Detail Level, and Random Seed.


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WFMM, Inc.

Landmass creates fractal landscapes for your scenes. They are terraformed complete with sample textures, including water. Options: Roughness, Noise, Height, Seed, Resolution, Scale, Create Water, and Triangulate.


Multiplex can be used to replicate an object many times, applying rotation, translation, and scaling factors to each new object. Animation of these objects is supported, allowing you to create fantastic shapes that grow over time, or you can animate the original object through a mathematically calculated path.



Wiggledy will take the selected polyhedron and randomly modify each vertex, according to the amount of "spikiness" you specify. It can be useful for creating rocks, fabric, hair, etc. Options: Spikiness, Random Seed.
