A Nudge Command
Procedure NudgeObj; VAR nudgeDist,nudgeDistHalf,X1,Y1,MouseX,MouseY : REAL; ObHd1: HANDLE; KCod : INTEGER; BEGIN nudgeDist:=Abs(DistDialog('Enter movement distance:','0')); nudgeDistHalf:=nudgeDist/2; IF NOT DidCancel THEN BEGIN ObHd1:=FSActLayer; IF ObHd1 <> NIL THEN BEGIN SetSelect(ObHd1); Redraw; WHILE (KCod<>13) DO BEGIN {- until return is pressed -} IF MouseDown(MouseX,MouseY) THEN SysBeep;{-handles mouse downs-} IF KeyDown(KCod) THEN BEGIN IF KCod = 50 THEN BEGIN {- '2' key -} IF Shift THEN HMove(ObHd1,0,-nudgeDistHalf); IF NOT Shift THEN HMove(ObHd1,0,-nudgeDist); Redraw; END ELSE IF KCod = 56 THEN BEGIN {- '8' key -} IF Shift THEN HMove(ObHd1,0,nudgeDistHalf); IF NOT Shift THEN HMove(ObHd1,0,nudgeDist); Redraw; END ELSE IF KCod = 54 THEN BEGIN {- '6' key -} IF Shift THEN HMove(ObHd1,nudgeDistHalf,0); IF NOT Shift THEN HMove(ObHd1,nudgeDist,0); Redraw; END ELSE IF KCod = 52 THEN BEGIN {- '4' key -} IF Shift THEN HMove(ObHd1,-nudgeDistHalf,0); IF NOT Shift THEN HMove(ObHd1,-nudgeDist,0); Redraw; END ELSE IF KCod = 57 THEN BEGIN {- '9' key -} IF Shift THEN HMove(ObHd1,nudgeDistHalf,nudgeDistHalf); IF NOT Shift THEN HMove(ObHd1,nudgeDist,nudgeDist); Redraw; END ELSE IF KCod = 55 THEN BEGIN {- '7' key -} IF Shift THEN HMove(ObHd1,-nudgeDistHalf,nudgeDistHalf); IF NOT Shift THEN HMove(ObHd1,-nudgeDist,nudgeDist); Redraw; END ELSE IF KCod = 51 THEN BEGIN {- '3' key -} IF Shift THEN HMove(ObHd1,nudgeDistHalf,-nudgeDistHalf); IF NOT Shift THEN HMove(ObHd1,nudgeDist,-nudgeDist); Redraw; END ELSE IF KCod = 49 THEN BEGIN {- '1' key -} IF Shift THEN HMove(ObHd1,-nudgeDistHalf,-nudgeDistHalf); IF NOT Shift THEN HMove(ObHd1,-nudgeDist,-nudgeDist); Redraw; END ELSE IF KCod = 53 THEN BEGIN {- '5' key -} IF Shift THEN Rotate(22.5d); IF NOT Shift THEN Rotate(45d); Redraw; END; END; END; END; SetDSelect(ObHd1); END; KCod:=0; END; Run(NudgeObj);
What it does
Allows you to 'nudge' and rotate objects.
The macro makes use of your keyboard input to move and rotate the selected objects.
After specifying the nudge increment, a loop is entered which waits for keyboard input.
When a key is pressed, the macro uses the key code to branch to the appropriate action.
Depressing the shift key will halve the distance moved or rotated. On press of the Return
key, the loop is exited and the macro terminates execution.
Procedure MakeRoom; VAR Click1X,Click1Y,Click2X,Click2Y,Wall1Len,Wall2Len,BaseZ,Ht:REAL; BEGIN {SetWallWidth(8");} GetZVals(BaseZ,Ht); IF Ht< 8' THEN SetZVals(BaseZ,8'); GetRect(Click1X,Click1Y,Click2X,Click2Y); MoveTo(Click1X,Click1Y); WallTo(Click2X,Click1Y); Wall1Len:=Distance(Click1X,Click1Y,Click2X,Click1Y); IF (Wall1Len>48) THEN InsertSymbol(Wall1Len/2,0,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,'3042DH'); WallTo(Click2X,Click2Y); Wall2Len:=Distance(Click2X,Click1Y,Click2X,Click2Y); IF((Wall2Len>48)AND(Wall2Len<96)) THEN InsertSymbol(Wall2Len/2,0,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,'3042DH') ELSE IF (Wall2Len>96) THEN BEGIN InsertSymbol(Wall2Len/4,0,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,'3042DH'); InsertSymbol(((Wall2Len/4)*3),0,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,'3042DH'); END; WallTo(Click1X,Click2Y); IF (Wall1Len>48) THEN InsertSymbol(Wall1Len/2,0,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,'3042DH'); END; Run(MakeRoom);
What it does
Creates a room whose 'attributes' are dependent on it's created size.
The macro creates a room whose window configuration is based upon it's
size when you define it. The macro uses a user defined rectangle, along
with IF statements to determine whether windows should be placed within
Procedure DowelPin; CONST chamSize=0.015; {Used to determine size of chamfer} Theta=10; {Chamfer angle} CF=0.25; {Used to determine radius of rounded end} VAR A,B,C,Diam,Length,adjustedLen,x0,y0 : REAL; View,RFlag : INTEGER; Abort : BOOLEAN; {- Main Procedure -} BEGIN DSelectAll; Diam:=RealDialog('Enter diameter of dowel pin','1/2"'); IF NOT DidCancel THEN BEGIN Length:=RealDialog('Enter length of pin','1"'); IF NOT DidCancel THEN BEGIN IF ((Length>0) AND (Diam>0)) THEN BEGIN GetPt(x0,y0); B:=Diam-chamSize; A:=chamSize/(2*Tan(Deg2Rad(Theta))); C:=CF*Diam; adjustedLen:=Length-A-C; ABSOLUTE; MoveTo(x0,y0); RELATIVE; Move(C,-Diam/2); ClosePoly; BeginPoly; LineTo(0,0); ArcTo(-C,0,C); ArcTo(0,Diam,C); LineTo(C,0); EndPoly; Rect(0,0,adjustedLen,-Diam); Move(adjustedLen,0); BeginPoly; LineTo(0,0); LineTo(A,-(Diam-B)/2); LineTo(0,-B); LineTo(-A,-(Diam-B)/2); EndPoly; Group; END ELSE AlrtDialog('Invalid value was entered'); END; END; END; END; Run(DowelPin);
What it does
Creates a dowel pin according to your specifications.
The macro generates a dowel pin according to your length and diameter specifications.
Using commonly available formulas which define the size of standard mechanical parts,
the dowel pin is generated using these formulas and drawn on screen.
Procedure CatSym; Procedure TraverseSymbolList; CONST kSTACKFULL=26;kSTACKEMPTY=0; VAR hStack:ARRAY[1..25] OF HANDLE; i:INTEGER; Hd:HANDLE; Done,q:BOOLEAN; type:INTEGER; fn,fileNm:STRING; Function Push(h:HANDLE):BOOLEAN; BEGIN i:=i+1; IF i < kSTACKFULL THEN BEGIN hStack[i]:=h; Push:=TRUE; END ELSE Push:=FALSE; END; Procedure Pop(VAR h:HANDLE); VAR j:INTEGER; BEGIN IF i<>kSTACKEMPTY THEN BEGIN j:=i; i:=i-1; h:=hStack[j]; hStack[j]:=NIL; END; END; BEGIN i:=0; Done:=FALSE; fn:=GetFName; fn:=Concat(fn,' Symbol Report'); PutFile('Save symbol report to:',fn,fileNm); Rewrite(fileNm); Writeln(fileNm); Writeln(Chr(128)); Hd:=FSymDef; WHILE NOT Done DO BEGIN IF Hd <> NIL THEN BEGIN WHILE Hd<>NIL DO BEGIN IF GetType(Hd) = 11 THEN BEGIN Tab(i); WRITELN(GETNAME(Hd)); q:=Push(Hd); Hd:=FInFolder(Hd); END ELSE IF GetType(Hd) = 16 THEN BEGIN Tab(i); WRITELN(GETSDNAME(Hd)); Hd:=NextSymDef(Hd); END; END; END ELSE BEGIN IF i <> kSTACKEMPTY THEN BEGIN Pop(Hd); IF (GetType(Hd)=11) THEN Hd:=NextObj(Hd) ELSE Hd:=NextSymDef(Hd); END ELSE Done:=TRUE; END; END; Close(fileNm); END; BEGIN TraverseSymbolList; END; Run(CatSym);
What it does
Generates a text file containing a list of all the symbols in a document.
The macro traverses the entire symbol library of the document and creates
a text file listing them. The macro implements a stack structure to descend
into nested symbol folders and list the symbols found.
The macro currently will descend 25 folders DEEP(folder in folder,etc.) into a symbol library; by changing the size of the array, this can be modified if necessary. There is no limit to the total niumber of folders and/or symbols which can be processed.
Procedure ExchSym; VAR Hd:HANDLE; sym:STRING; oType:INTEGER; {--subroutine SwapSymbolInWall } Procedure SwapSymbolInWall(wallHd:HANDLE); VAR oldSymHd,newSymHd:HANDLE; {--subroutine TraverseWallSel } Function TraverseWallSel(WallHd:HANDLE):HANDLE; VAR Hd,aHd:HANDLE; Type:INTEGER; Nm:STRING; Sel,Hit,s:BOOLEAN; BEGIN Hit:=FALSE; Hd:=FIn3D(WallHd); WHILE (Hd<>NIL) AND (NOT Hit) DO BEGIN Type:=GetType(Hd); IF Type = 15 THEN BEGIN s:=Selected(Hd); IF s THEN BEGIN aHd:=Hd; Hit:=True; END; END; Hd:=NextObj(Hd); END; TraverseWallSel:=aHd; END; {-- end TraverseWallSel } BEGIN oldSymHd:=TraverseWallSel(wallHd); newSymHd:=ActSymDef; SetHDef(oldSymHd,newSymHd); HWallWidth(wallHd,WallWidth(wallHd)); END; {--end SwapSymbolInWall } BEGIN Hd:=FSActLayer; oType:=GetType(Hd); IF oType = 68 THEN BEGIN SwapSymbolInWall(Hd); END; END; Run(ExchSym);
What it does
Swaps the selected symbol in a wall for the active symbol of the document.
The macro makes use of SetHDef() to swap the selected symbol in a wall for the
active symbol. Nested subroutines are used to encapsulate the functionality of
the wall entry and symbol swapping.
The function subroutine TraverseWallSel is used to 'enter' the wall object and process through it's component parts. When the selected symbol is found, the symbol is swapped using the function subroutine SwapSymbolInWall().
In the subroutine SwapSymbolInWall(), the call to SetWallWidth() after the SetHDef() call is used to force the wall to redraw properly.
Procedure Dessert; VAR Abort,Cherry,Fudge,WCream,Cheez,spicySalsa:BOOLEAN; {- this subroutine centers the dialog onscreen -} Procedure AlignScreen(J,K: INTEGER; VAR TopL,BotR : INTEGER); VAR scnx1,scny1,scnx2,scny2,Width : INTEGER; BEGIN GetScreen(scnx1,scny1,scnx2,scny2); Width:= K-J; TopL:= ((scnx1 + scnx2) DIV 2) - (Width DIV 2); BotR:= TopL + Width; END; { - the dialog definition - } Procedure DefineDialog; CONST SCW=340;SCH=232; VAR TLeft,BRight:INTEGER; BEGIN AlignScreen(0,SCW,TLeft,BRight); BeginDialog(1,1,TLeft,100,BRight,SCH); SetTitle('Dessert Toppings'); AddButton('Yum!!',1,1,272,99,330,119); AddButton('No Thanks',2,1,180,99,262,119); AddButton('Whipped Cream',3,3,33,18,158,36); AddButton('Fudge Sauce',4,3,173,18,279,36); AddButton('Cheez Wiz',5,3,33,40,139,58); AddButton('Salsa, extra spicy',6,3,173,40,311,58); AddButton('With a cherry on top',7,2,43,70,230,88); EndDialog; END; { - this function operates the dialog - } Procedure DialogDriver(VAR Stop:BOOLEAN); VAR Item:INTEGER; Done:BOOLEAN; BEGIN DefineDialog; Done:=False; Stop:=False; GetDialog(1); SetItem(3,TRUE); REPEAT DialogEvent(Item); IF Item = 1 THEN BEGIN {- OK button case -} Done:=True; WCream:=ItemSel(3); Fudge:=ItemSel(4); Cheez:=ItemSel(5); spicySalsa:=ItemSel(6); Cherry:=ItemSel(7); END ELSE IF Item = 2 THEN BEGIN {- Cancel button case -} Stop:=True; Done:=True; END ELSE IF Item = 3 THEN BEGIN {- Whipped Cream -} SetItem(3,True); SetItem(4,False); SetItem(5,False); SetItem(6,False); END ELSE IF Item = 4 THEN BEGIN {- Fudge Sauce -} SetItem(3,False); SetItem(4,True); SetItem(5,False); SetItem(6,False); END ELSE IF Item = 5 THEN BEGIN {- Cheez Wiz -} SetItem(3,False); SetItem(4,False); SetItem(5,True); SetItem(6,False); END ELSE IF Item = 6 THEN BEGIN {- Salsa -} SetItem(3,False); SetItem(4,False); SetItem(5,False); SetItem(6,True); END ELSE IF Item = 7 THEN BEGIN {- the cherry -} IF ItemSel(7) THEN SetItem(7,False) ELSE SetItem(7,True); END; UNTIL Done; ClrDialog; END; { - Begin Main -} BEGIN DialogDriver(Abort); IF NOT Abort THEN BEGIN IF WCream THEN BEGIN SysBeep; END ELSE IF Fudge THEN BEGIN SysBeep; SysBeep; END ELSE IF Cheez THEN BEGIN SysBeep; SysBeep; SysBeep; END ELSE IF spicySalsa THEN BEGIN SysBeep; SysBeep; SysBeep; SysBeep; END; IF Cherry THEN Message('Cherry on top!'); END; END; Run(Dessert);
What it does
Creates a custom dialog in MiniPascal.
The macro illustrates the components necessary to implement a custom dialog
in MiniPascal. When creating custom dialogs, you are responsible for defining,
centering, and operating, or "driving", the dialog.
The subroutine AlignScreen() calculates the screen center, and is used in the subroutine DefineDialog() to center the dialog. The subroutine DialogDriver() runs the loop which controls the operation of the dialog, including the radio buttons and check boxes.