Nothing was deleted, since no internal DTM data was found in this drawing. Are you absolutely sure? This is not undo-able. Graphic objects will not be deleted, nor will the data that the DTMs were based upon. Are you sure you want to delete all DTM info? If you do so, all internal information for all DTMs will be permanently lost. Are you sure you want the new 3D polygons to go into the same layer as the existing polygons? Indicate which DTM you want to go to the data layer of. (No existing DTM is associated with the active layer.) Indicate for which DTM you want to do area/volume calculations. (No existing DTM is associated with the active layer.) Indicate which DTM you would like to delete. (No existing DTM is associated with the active layer.) Indicate for which DTM you want to change settings or view options. (No existing DTM is associated with the active layer.) Indicate which DTM should be recalculated. (No existing DTM is associated with the active layer.) Indicate which DTM should be used to float objects in the active layer. (More than one DTM exists in this drawing.) You have entered a small mesh spacing; this could cause tens of thousands (or more) of graphic objects to be created. Use it anyway? You have entered a mesh spacing which is larger than the DTM's N-S and E-W ranges; this prevents mesh creation. Use it anyway? Are you sure you want such a large offset? It should usually be less than the contour interval. Are you sure you want such a large major multiple? It would cause there to be few, if any, major contours (index contours). (cubic units) (square units) There were no 3D symbols or 3D loci to float in the current layer. At least one DTM must exist in the drawing to use this command. The current layer is the data layer of a DTM. To float objects in this layer, click "Yes". To activate a different layer, click "No". Use same old data? _float The minimum or maximum value you entered is unacceptable. It might be out of range, considering the current scale. Are you sure you want such a small contour interval (relative to the elevation range you've entered)? _3D _2D Also delete any graphic objects that were created for this DTM in its 2D and/or 3D output layers? Are you sure you want to delete the DTM, which a cut & fill DTM is dependent upon? If you do so, the DTM's internal information will be permanently lost. You have changed the name of the DTM. This could make it more difficult to access the DTM. Are you sure you want to do this? You have entered a DTM name which is different from the name of the layer which contains its data. This could make it more difficult to access the DTM. Are you sure you want to do this? The total cut and fill volumes to reach the datum elevation (or between layers) are The total horizontal area is Error codes: Are you sure you want to delete the DTM? If you do so, the DTM's internal information will be permanently lost. Current z unit: Current min z, max z, diff.: Untitled-