******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* ********************* Z X S p e c t r u m ********************* ********************* E M U L A T O R v3.68 ********************* ******************************************************************************* ************************************* by Radovan Garabik & Lubomir Salanci **** ******************************************************************************* Introduction: This emulator emulates Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K. I have written also 128K emulator, but it is still in (stopped) developing and has too many bugs, and I'd rather not put this into public. There are also some bugs in the 48K emulator, especially in emulating the R register and undocumented instructions, but almost all of the games run. Programs using non-standart loaders are also suported. Tape is emulatig using .LTP files, acting like virtual tapes. The emulator recognizes also .TAP files and can use them instead .LTP This emulator is for free, you can give it to anybody you want (in fact, you are encouraged to do so), provided that you do not change or delete anything in this package (you can add translation of this file in your local language) and you do not charge anything for this program. As I said, this program is for free, but I surely will not object if you send me some money :-). (How much do you think is this program worth? I would say, equivalent of $8 is more than enough). If you do so, you'll become a registered user and get the newest version (and you'll get always the new version, when there is one released, if you have e-mail), some games I downloaded from Spectrum (if you want), and sources. It would really encourage me in making new versions. The other way how to get sources is to ask for them. I'll do not charge anything, but the sources are not for free. If you want them, you can get them if you write me a tender poem about Sinclair ZX Spectrum [you can write the poem in any language you want, but preferred languages are (in descending order): English, ZX Basic, Slovak & Czech, Russian, Esperanto, Polish, German]. And if you do some not neglidgible improvement with the emulator, you owe me a copy of that. If you want the sources to be sent by snailmail, send me enough money to cover postage and a prise of one 3.5" diskette (or send me that diskette). No money is necessary, if you want me to send them via e-mail. How to contact me: My address is: Radovan Garabik 951 48 Jarok 568 Slovakia My e-mail is: 2garabik@center.fmph.uniba.sk or: garabik@teller.dnp.fmph.uniba.sk I'll answer any questions concerning emulator sent via e-mail (though the answer will not be necessarily correct :-)). Both these e-mail addresses will be valid till June 1997. After that I'll have to look for some other account :-( Questions concerning VGA graphics, menus or non-standart loading address to: 2salanci@pascal.fmph.uniba.sk The version before the latest one can be found at: http://kepler.fmph.uniba.sk/~garabik2/zx.html (then follow the link) The latest version is reserved for registered users. Contents of this package: zx.exe - emulator itself zx.ovl - overlay zx.txt - this file zx.rom - ZX ROM file transfer.ltp - tape file, with mrs 64 (assembler & debugger) and ZX program transfering data from Sinclair to IBM PC zx2pc.pas - PC program transfering data from sinclair to IBM PC zx.ltp - tape file, consisting of a few games zxcat.exe - program displaying contents of *.ltp files sna2snp.exe - converter converting from *.sna files to *.snp files tap2ltp.exe - converter converting TAP files into *.ltp files ltp2tap.exe - converter converting *.ltp files into TAP files snp2z80.exe - converter converting *.snp files into *.z80 files (written by Philip Kendall) This program will run fine on 286 AT (the slowest computer I tried it on was 286, 8 MHz, CGA card - with attributes switched off many games were quite playable). It should run on PC XT (though very slowly), but I did not try that. Supported graphics cards are: CGA, Hercules, VGA. (EGA only in CGA mode - sorry). ******************************************************************************* New features from version 3.67: - fixed minor bug in keyboard handling causing crash under Windows ******************************************************************************* A concise description of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum Emulator: Function keys: F1-display keyboard layout F2-"rewind tape", i.e. the next LOAD will read from the beginning of the load-file F3-unsnap from file F4-PLAY/STOP: when the program uses non-standard loader (e.g. WESTBANK or HIGHWAY ENCOUNTER), press it after (or even better before) entering LOAD "". (And you should press it again after the program is loaded) F5-debugger. For more info, press F1 while debugging. Warning: it is possible to edit the ROM with debugger. F6-turn sound off/on F7-save the contents of RAM and registers to the disk (snapshot) Backup copy of previous snap file is created. F8-restore memory and registers previously saved by F7 (unsnap) These two keys are very handy when playing games. Just set snap and unsnap files to be the same, and each time you make some progress in the game, just press F7. If you get killed, press F8 and you go again... And if you accidentaly press F7 when just killed, there is a backup copy (the same name, but extension .bak) of the previous snapshot. F12-ZX RESET ScrollLock - set slowing ON (see below) Del (PC keypad) - autofire (Kempston emulation only) F10-set the emulator's parameters and other options: Tape Screen Options Keypad Printer Sound Quit ************************************************************************* Tape - tape-emulation options Load file - file which emulates the tape (for LOAD) (*.ltp or TAP file format) If you want to choose from TAP files, just enter *.tap as filename Save file - file which emulates the tape (for SAVE) (*.ltp or TAP) Snap file - file, where the snapshot is saved by F7 (*.snp file format) Unsnap file - snapshot file, where memory is loaded from (*.snp or *.sna file format) Sentimental - when ON, you have feelings of true Sinclair loading (try it). See PLAYING/STOPPED (14 lines below) for more instructions. Snap! - save snapshot on the disk [the same as F7] UnSnap! - restore snapshot previously saved by F7 [the same as F8] Dos shell 1 - invoke MSDOS prompt. To return to the menu, type EXIT. Dos shell 2 - the same as previous command, but this one creates a swap file on disk, thus leaving you a little more memory for your DOS session. PLAYING/STOPPED - By setting this option to PLAYING you turn the loading emulation to load data bit-after-bit. This makes it possible to load programs using non-standard loader. When loading such a program, first type LOAD "", then {call up menu (F10),turn this option to PLAYING, escape from menu} or {press F4}, wait until program loads and then you should turn it to STOPPED (or press F4 again) lest the emulator continues loading bits, which could cause troubles (in theory), when you want to load another program. When Sentimental is ON, you must follow this procedure when loading any program. Encycled tape - when ON, the tape automatically rewinds after reaching the end. --------------------------------------------------------- Screen - set the screen type. It is better to use screen type without attributes on slow computers (286). --------------------------------------------------------- Options - different options: Slowing delay - set slowing. (higher value means slower). It is useful when you are running this emulator on fast PC and are not able to follow games. Works only when the following option is ON: Slowing - whether the emulator is slowed or not (this can be switched also by pressing Scroll lock in emulation mode) Beep - ZX - perform BEEP using the original ROM-routine. PC - perform BEEP using the PC-timer, this way producing sound with (almost) exactly the same length and frequency as on the original Spectrum [but during BEEPing the emulator will not react to any key (except the RESET switch :))]. POKE - Replace the address with given value. Particularly suitable when playing games, if you know the POKE. (this also allows you to change values in ZX ROM) Key interrupt - If it is on, interrupt will be generated each time a key is pressed, therefore a keyboard will react better, but in some games it may cause problems (on slower computers). Turn it on if you want to write texts. Interrupt freq - Enter here interrupt frequency. Original Sinclair uses interrupt 50 times per second (50 Hz). On slower computers some games do not work properly and then it is better to enter lower number. (e.g. TRANTOR or ZYNAPS - on 12 MHz 286 it was necessary to set frequency less than 8 Hz., on 40 MHz 386 nothing was necessary) EAR bit - if you want to play games which require ISSUE 2, turn it to 1. Otherwise it should not matter. BORDER (VGA) - If you turn it ON, BORDER will be emulated. It works only in VGA-video modes. ZX RESET - resets emulator (the same as F12) Flushing keyb - when ON, each time you choose some DOS-using action (e.g. loading, menu or snapping) it releases all the keys (if you hold a key, then chose menu and then released the key, the emulator would not recognize it and it could cause some troubles). Refresh - on fast computers it is better to select this option, then the screen is periodically redisplayed (otherwise the bytes put into screen would be displayed immediately). Useful particularly when using programs which write into videoram very often. The music will sound somewhat harsh, though. Refresh delay - how often will the screen be redisplayed. Set to 2 or 1 if your computer is fast enough. True R reg - The R-register should be correctly emulated, only if this is ON, but it slows down emulation. (it does not work quite correctly yet) True interrupt - when ON, interrupt is perfomed as close to original as possible (again, this feature is not fully developed). Use carefully. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Keypad - indicates how the numeric keypad will be interpreted (what joystick it emulates) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Printer - emulate ZX Printer on a printer compatible with IBM Graphics Printer or Epson FX 80 Printer emulation - if on, printer is being emulated. Output file - output file (PRN=printer) Left margin - left margin (in chars) Copy - copy screen (without attributes) Full copy & attr - copy screen, attributes will be replaced by different patterns. Inverse - if 1, printing is inverse (white on black) --------------------------------------------------------------- Sound - Sound options Sound ON/OFF - I think this is clear enough. PC Speaker - internal speaker will be used. COVOX - COVOX (= Disney Sound Source) will be used. COVOX Port - This is the address of the port COVOX is connected to. Default it is set to LPT1. --------------------------------------------------------------- Quit - quits the program. ************************************************************************* As a parameter of ZX.EXE use the load-file name or unsnap-file name (i.e. LTP, .TAP, .SNA, .SNP files can be used) (e.g. ZX.EXE GAMES1.TAP). If omitted, ZX.LTP is used. Other parameters: zx.exe /scr:x use screen mode No.x zx.exe /snd- start with sound disabled zx.exe /snt+ start in Sentimental mode zx.exe /rom:myrom.rom use the file "myrom.rom" as ZX ROM (default zx.rom) If the file is longer than 16384 B, it will load, but only low 16KB will be write-protected zx.exe /cov:1 use COVOX rather than internal PC speaker zx.exe /slw:n set slowing delay to n zx.exe /kpd:n set joystick emulated by the keypad: 1 - Cursor joystick 2 - Sinclair #1 joystick 3 - Sinclair #2 joystick 4 - Kempston joystick 5 - Numbers zx.exe /h display possible start-up parameters If running on Hercules or CGA graphics card, use appropriate start-up screen mode (e.g. zx /scr:3 for CGA and zx /scr:8 for Hercules) Program ZXCAT.EXE displays the contest of load-files. As a parameter use the load-file name. ******************************************************************************* How to transfer programs from ZX tapes into *.ltp files I used Sinclair ZX Spectrum with parallel ports (it was actually a clone of Sinclair, but it is valid for original Sinclair with similar interface, e.g. Interface 1), which had 3 parallel I/O port. I connected this to a PC's printer port: ZX: PC: meaning: port 63 7th bit <---- LPT1 output (any bit) ready for data port 31 1st bit ----> LPT1 input 7th bit (BUSY) data port 31 0th bit ----> LPT1 input 5th bit sending data (OUT OF PAPER) GND ----- GND ground You can use other ports, but you must change the program zx2pc.pas and its sinclair counterpart accordingly. Converting software: PC: zx2pc.pas ZX: 1) choose the tape file "transfer.ltp" e.g. type "zx.exe transfer.ltp" from MSDOS command line or choose "Load tape" in menu 2) type LOAD "" mrs 64 will load (very good assembler & debugger indeed) 3) type edi 4) type loa 5) type ln=1 and you see the Sinclair program All you have to do is to rewrite it on you original Sinclair into your favourite assembler and compile. The starting address is 65531. The alternative is to type in the following program: 10 CLEAR 40000 20 FOR i=65447 TO 65535 30 READ a 40 POKE i,a 50 RANDOMIZE USR 65531 100 DATA 166,191,55, 63, 237,82, 34, 0, 64, 35, 35, 84, 93, 33, 0, 64 110 DATA 78, 6, 8, 175,211,31, 219,63, 230,128,40, 250,203,17, 23, 55 120 DATA 63, 23, 211,31, 246,1, 211,31, 219,63, 230,128,32, 250,175,211 130 DATA 31, 16, 224,27, 35, 122,179,32, 215,24, 181,0, 0, 62, 130,211 140 DATA 127,175,211,31, 49, 254,255,24, 167 When run, the program reads tape played to Sinclair and after each block of data it transfers these data to a PC (this will take only a few seconds). Sometimes it's necessary to pause the tape recorder between a long block and next one, when there is too small gap. The PC program generates a *.ltp file ready for the emulator. Run PC program first, then run Sinclair program. The three bad things about this are: 1) This method required PC and Sinclair with interface 2) It is impossible to transfer programs saved in turbo mode. 3) It can transfer blocks max. 49062 bytes long [ this problem could be solved by writting special loader, rewritting part of screen memory when the loading length exceeds free memory (it's quite easy), or by on-line compression when loading - I've seen such a program ! (TFCOPY) ] ******************************************************************************* Description of *.ltp file: -------------------------- first block: 2 bytes - length of the data block without flag-byte and without checksum byte 1 byte - flag byte (00 for header, FF for data) --- data |- as at original ZX tape 1 byte - checksum --- next block... -------------------------------- As you see, it is almost the same as TAP format, except for the first two bytes containing the length, which is 2 bytes shorter. Why didn't I use TAP format? Well, I started to write this emulator before I ever heard of TAP... Use tap2ltp.exe and ltp2tap.exe for converting. Programs converting *.sna files into *.snp files is called sna2snp.exe and works reasonably well. It is a little more difficult the other way, beause of a bit weird SNA format. Description of *.snp file: 0000-bfff 48KB of ZX memory c000-c001 AF c002 BORDER colour c003 reserved c004-c005 BC c006-c007 DE c008-c009 HL c00a-c00b PC c00c-c00d SP c00e-c00f IX c010-c011 IY c012 reserved (IFF2 intended, but not implemented) c013 interrupt: 00-disabled, other-enabled c014 interrupt mode: 0,1 or 2 c015 R c016 I c017-c018 AF' c019-c01a BC' c01b-c01c DE' c01d-c01e HL' *******************************************************************************