C++Builder Deployment README File ================================= This file provides information on deploying C++Builder applications in the following sections: 1) BORLAND C++BUILDER 2) BORLAND DATABASE ENGINE 3) SQL LINKS DEPLOYMENT (CLIENT/SERVER APPLICATIONS) 4) LOCAL INTERBASE AND INTERBASE SERVER DEPLOYMENT 5) ACTIVEX CONTROLS 6) SAMPLE IMAGES 7) NETMANAGE INTERNET CONTROL PACK 8) COROMANDEL VISUAL QUERY BUILDER NOTE: Borland C++Builder includes a redistributable license to deploy royalty-free applications as well as Borland Database Engine (BDE). 1) BORLAND C++BUILDER ===================== C++Builder applications do not require a run-time interpreter DLL. All you have to provide is your .EXE file, and any DLLs that it calls. Note: Before deploying your application, it is a good idea to build a release version of the application. The default project builds a debug version of your application. To change this, go to Options | Project | C++, and click on the Release button. You can provide an installation utility for your application, or simply tell your users how to install it themselves. You should run the installation utilities for BDE and SQL Links in your application install program. Several third party companies provide installation and setup utilities for C++Builder and C++Builder Client/Server applications. 32-bit Redistributable Files ---------------------------- CP3230MT.DLL 2) BORLAND DATABASE ENGINE ========================== Borland Database Engine (BDE) Redistributable Files --------------------------------------------------- In accordance with the Additional License Terms of this product, you can distribute the Borland Database Engine files with your application using a Borland certified Redistributable Install program such as InstallShield Express or other compliant install programs. You can redistribute only those BDE files selected by the Borland certified install program. Borland products which include redistribution rights include a Borland certified install program, such as InstallShield Express, to ensure proper installation and de-installation of your applications so that they co-exist well with other applications which use the Borland Database Engine including those created with dBase, Paradox, Delphi Borland C++, and Borland C++Builder. InstallShield Express also makes it easy to properly distribute subsets of the Borland Database Engine. This is useful, for example, if you want to distribute an application that will only use Paradox tables and you don't want to include additional files for dBase support. From time to time, Borland may, at its discretion, certify additional installation programs for use as the Borland Certified Install Program for this product. To obtain a current list of Borland Certified Install programs, check Borland's Web site at http://www.borland.com, Borland's CompuServe forum for this product, and Borland's Download BBS (408-431-5096). Note that since we allow deployment of Borland Database Engine files and subsets using a Borland Certified Install Program, we don't otherwise allow deployment of the individual BDE files. There are several important reasons for this: * Improper installation of BDE or BDE subsets can cause other applications using BDE to fail. Such applications not only include Borland products such as Paradox and dBASE, but many other applications using BDE such as those built with Borland C++ and Delphi. * Windows 95 and Windows NT now have stringent un-install requirements for MS logo certification. Un-installation of BDE components is especially complex, and if not done correctly will violate logo requirements and can cause applications to fail. * Windows 95 and Windows NT use the registry instead of .INI files, and making the correct entries and deletions for install and un-install is another complex task. By working closely with Borland Certified Install Program providers, we can ensure that all the BDE installation, registry, and un-install issues are handled correctly in all cases including subsets of the BDE. 3) SQL LINKS DEPLOYMENT (CLIENT/SERVER APPLICATIONS) ==================================================== NOTE: In addition to the SQL Links files, client/server applications require client files for interface to communication protocols such as TCP/IP. Refer to your server documentation. Redistributables for SQL Link Software -------------------------------------- If you received this product as an upgrade, it constitutes a single product with the Borland product which you upgraded. Licensed, registered users of this product may redistribute the below-listed files ("SQL Link Software Redistributables") with programs created with this product, subject to all of the terms and conditions of the Additional License Terms for Borland Database Engine. Note that the SQL Link Software Redistributables can only be redistributed for the specific purpose of executing end-user SQL Link Software applications created with this version of the product. Although SQL Link Software applications developed with this product can be redistributed to an unlimited number of servers for use by end-users, you may not "redistribute" or otherwise share the SQL Link Software with other developers for creating SQL Link Software applications. THE SQL LINK SOFTWARE REDISTRIBUTABLES CONTAINED IN THIS PRODUCT CANNOT BE CONCURRENTLY USED BY MORE THAN ONE DEVELOPER FOR CREATING SQL LINK SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS. You may redistribute the following files in accordance with the License Statement for this product: Oracle ---------------------------------------- SQLORA32.DLL Oracle SQLLink driver SQL_ORA.CNF Default BDE configuration file for ORA SQL Link Sybase Db-Lib ---------------------------------------- SQLSYB32.DLL Sybase Db-Lib SQL Link driver SQL_SYB.CNF Default BDE configuration file for SYB Db-Lib SQL Link Sybase Ct-Lib ---------------------------------------- SQLSSC32.DLL Sybase Ct-Lib SQL Link driver SQL_SSC.CNF Default BDE configuration file for SYB Ct-Lib SQL Link Microsoft SQL Server ---------------------------------------- SQLMSS32.DLL Microsoft SQL Server SQL Link SQL_MSS.CNF Default BDE configuration file for MSS SQL Link Informix ---------------------------------------- SQLINF32.DLL Informix SQL Link SQL_INF.CNF Default BDE configuration file for INF SQL Link DB/2 ---------------------------------------- SQLDB232.DLL DB/2 SQL Link SQL_DB2.CNF Default BDE configuration file for DB/2 SQL Link InterBase ---------------------------------------- SQLINT32.DLL InterBase SQL Link driver SQL_INT.CNF Default BDE configuration file for INT SQL Link NOTE: For Borland Database Engine (BDE) Redistributable Files, see the "Borland Database Engine (BDE) Redistributable Files" section above. 4) LOCAL INTERBASE AND INTERBASE SERVER DEPLOYMENT ================================================== Applications that use Local InterBase for Windows 95/NT ------------------------------------------------------- C++Builder Client/Server Suite 1.0 contains a copy of Local InterBase for Windows 95/NT. C++Builder Client/Server Suite 1.0 has no redistribution rights of any Local InterBase files. You may, however, purchase Deployment Kits for Local InterBase, in packages of twenty or one hundred, which do allow for limited redistribution. Contact your local Borland Sales office, Borland US Sales at +1(408)431-1000, or browse our WWW site for further information on deploying InterBase based solutions. Applications that use InterBase Server for Windows 95/NT -------------------------------------------------------- C++Builder Client/Server Suite 1.0 contains a copy of the 4 user InterBase Server for Windows 95/NT. C++Builder Client/Server Suite 1.0 has no redistribution rights of any InterBase Server files. Customers who wish to deploy applications written with C++Builder Client/Server Suite 1.0 and the 4 user InterBase Server must separately purchase individual copies of the InterBase Server for Windows 95/NT. Contact your local Borland Sales office, Borland US Sales at +1(408)431-1000, or browse our WWW site for further information on deploying InterBase based solutions. 5) ACTIVEX CONTROLS =================== Borland C++Builder includes various ActiveX Controls (OCXs) for use in your applications. They may include: ChartFX (TM), OCX, SoftwareFX. Graphics Server (TM) copyright 1990 Bits Per Second Ltd., portions copyright 1993-1995 Pinnacle Publishing, Inc. Formula One Spreadsheet (TM) Version 3.0 32bit OCX, Visual Components, Inc. Visual Speller (TM) Version 2.0 32bit OCX, Visual Components, Inc. First Impression (RTM) Version 2.0 32bit OCX, Visual Components, Inc. ProtoView Interactive Diagramming Object, ProtoView Development Corporation. ProtoView Date Button Control, ProtoView Development Corporation. VideoPlay OCX, Media Architects. The version of each of these OCXs shipped with C++Builder may be redistributed in custom C++Builder applications. Such redistribution is subject to the Additional License Terms for Development Products. 6) SAMPLES IMAGES ================= C++Builder 1.0 includes a library of freely distributable bitmap images normally installed in the subdirectory \IMAGES. In addition C++Builder 1.0 also includes a database EVENTS.DB with licensed images from PhotoDisc. The images in this database are copyright PhotoDisc, Inc. 1995 and may not be redistributed. 7) NETMANAGE INTERNET CONTROL PACK ================================== The NetManage Internet Control Pack included with C++Builder is fully redistributable. These controls do not contain a time sensitive expiration date. A new version of these controls will be made available at \\www.Borland.com. The Internet Control Pack is copyrighted by NetMange. 8) COROMANDEL VISUAL QUERY BUILDER ================================== The Visual Query Builder included with C++Builder Client/Server is not redistributable. However, you may contact Coromandel Industries at (718) 793-7963 for licensing information. The Visual Query Builder is copyrighted by Coromandel Industries. --------------------------------------------------------------------