1 WI-V4.1.0.194 2 READIB.TXT 3 IB_Server 4 InterBase Server 100 Program Files 101 InterBase Server 102 InterBase Client 103 InterBase Console Tools 104 InterBase Windows Tools 105 InterBase SDK Support 106 InterBase Example Programs 107 InterBase Example Databases 108 InterBase SQL Tutorial 109 InterBase Help 200 Local InterBase program files. (Minimum installation) 201 InterBase 32-bit multi user server. 202 InterBase 32-bit Client required to connect to InterBase servers. 203 Server administration, data definition, and query tools. Required to administer user accounts. 204 Server administration, data definition, and query tools. Required to administer user accounts. 205 C/C++ Language Header and Library files for developing applications using the native InterBase API. 206 Sample InterBase applications using embedded SQL, Dynamic SQL (DSQL), and the InterBase API. 207 A personnel managment and sales database used with the InterBase Example Programs and SQL Tutorial. 208 Windows ISQL and SQL tutorial. 209 InterBase Help Files. 300 INTRBASE 301 INTRBASE\CLIENT 302 INTRBASE\CLIENT\BIN 303 INTRBASE\EXAMPLES\API 304 INTRBASE\EXAMPLES\DATABASE 305 INTRBASE\TUTORIAL\SCRIPT 306 INTRBASE\TUTORIAL\HELP 307 INTRBASE\HELP 308 INTRBASE\LIB 309 INTRBASE\INCLUDE 310 INTRBASE\SERVER\BIN 311 INTRBASE\SERVER 312 INTRBASE\SYSTEM 313 INTRBASE\TOOL\CONSOLE 314 INTRBASE\TOOL\GUI 400 BIN 401 EXAMPLES 402 EXAMPLES\TUTORIAL 403 INCLUDE 404 LIB 405 BIN 500 \Program Files\Borland\IntrBase 501 IntrBase 502 InterBase Database 503 InterBase Backup File 600 Software\Borland 601 Software\Borland\InterBase 602 Borland 603 CurrentVersion 604 Version 605 RootDirectory 606 SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine 607 DLLPATH 608 Environment 609 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run 610 InterBase Server 611 Local InterBase 612 .gdb 613 .gbk 614 gdbfile 615 gbkfile 700 DRIVERS\ETC 701 SERVICES 800 gds_db 801 3050/tcp 803 Borland InterBase 900 ibserver.exe 901 gdsintl.dll 902 isc4.gdb 903 isc4.gbk 904 ibconfig 905 ib_licen.s__ 906 ib_licen.c__ 907 ib_licen.l__ 908 gds32.dll 909 interbas.msg 910 interbas.bor 911 ib_licen.dat 912 ib_licen.bor 913 ibmgr32.exe 914 wisql32.exe 915 comdg32.exe 916 regcfg.exe 917 msvcrt20.dll 918 ctl3d32.dll 919 ib32.hlp 1000 InterBase Configuration 1001 InterBase Communication Diagnostics 1002 Local InterBase Help 1003 InterBase Server Manager 1004 InterBase Windows ISQL 1005 Local InterBase Server 1006 Local InterBase Readme 1007 readib.txt 1008 Startup 1009 notepad.exe 1100 To connect to InterBase using the TCP/IP protocol, the line\n 1101 \nMust be added to your TCP/IP Services file. 1102 &Modify my SERVICES file for me (Recomended) 1103 &Do not modify my SERVICES file 1104 InterBase TCP/IP Support 1105 Copying