Dear ZyXEL customer, Vienna, 05/05/1996 WindowsNT v3.51.1057 (and v4.00.1264-beta) RAS installation & configuration ============================================================================= this installation guide consists of three parts: ------------------------------------------------ A: very first installation of RAS (please follow these steps if the RAS is not yet installed on your WindowsNT v3.51 Server/Workstation !) B: if you have already installed the RAS on WindowsNT v3.51 and you want to change to ZyXEL's new "MODEM.INF" file (internal rev. 30, 05/05/1996). C: Trouble-shooting using WindowsNT's RAS "DEVICE.LOG" Note: You must be LOGGED ON as a member of the "Administrators Group" to install and configure the Remote Access Service ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: very first installation of RAS (please follow these steps if the RAS is not yet installed on your WindowsNT v3.51 Server/Workstation !) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) In the "Control Panel", choose the "Network" option. 2) In the "Network Settings" dialog box, choose the "Add Software" button. 3) From the "Network Software" drop-down list, select "Remote Access Service" and then choose the "Continue" button. When prompted for the path to the distribution files, provide the path of the original distribution (ie: CD-Rom drive) and choose the "OK" button. All the files for RAS will be copied to your harddisk into the "\%systemroot%\SYSTEM32\RAS" directory. 4) In the "Add Port" dialog box, you will see a list of all ports available to Windows NT for RAS. Select the port you will use for the Remote Access Service and choose the "OK" button. 5) Remote Access Setup will offer to automatically detect the modem connected to the selected port. Choose "Cancel" to manually select a modem. A dialog box will appear with modem list. 6) In the "Configure Port" dialog box, select the "ZyXEL U-1496". 7) In the "Port Usage" box, choose how the port is to be used. 8) Choose the "Continue" button when you are finished setting. Then you must restart your computer for the Remote Access installation and configuration to take effect. If you haven't already installed the "Microsoft Service Pack for WindowsNT v3.51" we recommend to do so after this first installation of RAS because many files will be updated then. You can request Microsoft's latest Service Pack (currently it's number 4, dated February 1996) from Microsoft's ftp server: After reboot please continue the installation of the new "MODEM.INF" with part "B:" of this installation guide: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- B: if you have already installed the RAS on WindowsNT v3.51 and you want to change to ZyXEL's new MODEM.INF file (internal rev. 30, 05/05/1996). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before proceeding, make sure that you have WindowsNT's RAS installed and that the Remote Access Service is stopped ! 1) uncompress the new "MODEM.ZIP" file, you downloaded from us, using the PKUNZIP v2.04g utility. You should get the "MODEM.INF" file which is 286000 bytes long. 2) rename the original "MODEM.INF" file in your \%systemroot%\SYSTEM32\RAS directory to "MODEM.ORG" (for example) or delete it. 3) Copy the new "MODEM.INF" file into your \%systemroot%\SYSTEM32\RAS directory. 4) In the "Control Panel", double-click the "Network" icon. 5) In the "Installed Network Software" listbox on the "Network Settings" dialog box, double-clock on the entry "Remote Access Service". 6) In the "Remote Access Setup" dialog box, select the COM port you want to configure for your modem, and choose the "Configure" button. 7) Remote Access Setup will offer to automatically detect the modem connected to the selected port. Choose "OK" so that the Remote Access Setup tries to identify your modem and to present a dialog box with different modem features if available (especially the ZyXEL Elite and Omni ISDN terminal adapters provide many different features !) From this feature list select that B-channel protocol you want to use. these commands will be selected: ZyXEL %model% %SWITCH% --> ATB00 ZyXEL %model%, asyncPPP_HDLC --> ATB40 ZyXEL %model%, Bundle_PPP --> ATB40&J3 ZyXEL %model%, Bundle_X.75M --> ATB00&J3 ZyXEL %model%, HDLC only --> ATB50 ZyXEL %model%, V.110_19k2 --> ATB17S119.4=0 ZyXEL %model%, V.110_38k4 --> ATB18S119.4=1 ZyXEL %model%, V.110_57k6 (for Japan only) --> ATB19 ZyXEL %model%, V.120_64k0 --> ATB20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF YOU WANT TO MAKE ANALOG MODEM CALLS WITH THE "ZYXEL ELITE 2864I" HYBRID ISDN TERMINAL ADAPTER THEN YOU HAVE SIMPLY TO PUT THE CHARACTER "M" JUST BEFORE THE TELEPHONE NUMBER TO BE DIALED IN THE RAS PHONE BOOK - THIS WILL WORK REGARDLESS WHICH FEATURE YOU SELECTED ! --> INCOMING ANALOG MODEM CALLS WILL BE RECOGNIZED AUTOMATICALLY. <-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) In the "Port Usage" box, choose how the port is to be used Clicking on the "Settings" button gives you the possibility to "Enable Modem Compression" (V.42bis) by default. Clicking on the "Network" button gives you the possibility to select in the "Network Configuration" the dial out network protocols and the server settings for remote clients (dial in protocols) 9) Choose the "OK" button, and then choose the "Continue" button. Performing the binding analysis will be done now. 10) In the "Network Settings" dialog box, choose the "OK" button. If you configure any new port for your modem, then you have to restart your computer. If you reconfigure a port already in use, you don't need to restart your computer, but you do need to stop and then restart the Remote Access Service. 11) If you haven't already installed the "Microsoft Service Pack for WindowsNT v3.51" we recommend to do so but only if in this installation older files were copied from your original distribution. (eg: from CD-Rom or backup installation directory) You can request Microsoft's latest Service Pack (currently it's number 4, dated February 1996) from Microsoft's ftp server: following part "C:" of this installation guide is Copyright by Microsoft. It's taken from the "Remote Access Service Help" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C: Trouble-shooting using WindowsNT's RAS "DEVICE.LOG" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WindowsNT allows you to log all information passed between RAS, the modem, and the remote device, including errors reported by the remote device. This allows you to find errors that prevent your scripts from working. The "DEVICE.LOG" file is created by enabling logging in the registry. The "DEVICE.LOG" file is in the "\%systemroot%\SYSTEM32\RAS" directory. How to create the "DEVICE.LOG" file: 1) Hang up any connections, and then exit from Remote Access. 2) Start the Registry Editor by running the REGEDT32.EXE program. 3) Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", and then access the following key: "\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RasMan\Parameters" 4) Change the value of the Logging parameter to 1. When changed, the parameter should look like this: Logging:REG_DWORD:0x1 5) Close the Registry Editor. Logging begins when you restart Remote Access or start the Remote Access Server service (if your computer is receiving calls). You do not need to shutdown and restart WindowsNT. After you dial a number and connect, a script will start. If an error is encountered during script execution, execution halts. You should exit RAS, and then determine the problem by using any text editor to view "DEVICE.LOG". The next topic is an incomplete script that failed and the "DEVICE.LOG" file created when a connection was attempted. Note: The traces from all calls will be appended to "DEVICE.LOG" as long as RAS or the Remote Access Server service are not stopped and restarted. So, if you need to save a "DEVICE.LOG" file with useful information for later review or troubleshooting, make a copy of the file, giving the file another name before you restart RAS or the Remote Access Server service. The Registry path for this entry is the following: -------------------------------------------------- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RasMan\Parameters Logging: REG_DWORD Range: 0 - 1 Default: 0 Sets logging of all communication from serial ports to the device connected to them during command mode. This parameter is useful for solving problems with serial devices and for testing new entries added to the "MODEM.INF" or "PAD.INF" files. You may want to view the "DEVICE.LOG" file in a text editor that can display both character and hexadecimal output, as some of the information will not be printable characters. Also, "DEVICE.LOG" contains a carriage return and line feed at the end of each line. These bytes are provided by the program that creates the "DEVICE.LOG" file and do not represent information communicated from or to the device. Set to 1, communication from the serial port to the device connected to it will be logged in the file "\%systemroot%\SYSTEM32\RAS\DEVICE.LOG" Logging is suspended after successful connection to the remote device and transmission of data. Logging resumes when a new connection is established and is appended to "DEVICE.LOG" until the file size exceeds approximately 100K. "DEVICE.LOG" is then cleared and logging resumes. "DEVICE.LOG" is also cleared when any RAS component started after all RAS components have been stopped. please get more background information from the "Remote Access Service Help" This new ZyXEL "MODEM.INF" (internal rev. 30, 05/05/1996) has been tested with following hard- & firmware: WindowsNT Server v3.51.1057 US (Service Pack 4) WindowsNT Server v4.00.1264 US (betatest !) ZyXEL Elite 2864 V 1.12 ZyXEL Elite 2864A V.AUST ZyXEL Omni 288S V 1.12 ZyXEL Omni 288SA V.AUST ZyXEL Elite 2864I DSS1: V 2.01 DSS1: V 2.01c (available to betatesters only !) ZyXEL Omni TA128 DSS1: V 0.05 (DTE port #1 only !) electronic greetings from Vienna Manfred Recla ************************************************************ SES Datensysteme, authorized ZyXEL Distributor [Austria] ZyXEL Technical Database Europe - Coordination Center Tel: +43-1-4895781-0 Fax: +43-1-4895797 E-Mail: (Manfred Recla) FTP: WWW: ( = = ************************************************************