NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: NAM41B.exe - MAC.NAM, OS2.NAM for NW 4.10 README FOR: NAM41B.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: NetWare 4.1 NetWare for Macintosh 4.10 ABSTRACT: This file contains updated MAC and OS/2 name spaces for NetWare 4.10, as well as a VREPAIR to resolve some of the possible issues. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE: These name space modules resolve an issue which can result in a NetWare 4.10 server ABEND LockDirectoryEntry called with entry already locked. They also include several other fixes, see the end of the installation instructions for a complete listing of changes. Because of significant changes in how directory entry information is created/handled by the NetWare file system with these updated modules. Novell Technical Support recommends that the affected volumes be backed up, recreated, add the new name spaces, and then restore the data to the recreated volumes. If this procedure is not followed you may see one or more of the following errors when the volumes mount: "Duplicate Name", "There is a problem in the name space", "Invalid HPFS name space name....." "Invalid character". The cause of these errors are usually related to situations were a volume has mac name space along with os2 and/or nfs name space added. On these volumes there is likely a directory or file name that is longer than 31 characters in length, see #5 of the mac.nam changes. Self-Extracting File Name: nam41b.exe Files Included Size Date Time ..\ NAM41B.TXT (This file) MAC.NAM 17129 7-29-96 7:40:00 pm OS2.NAM 18874 7-29-96 7:44:36 pm ..\VREPAIR\ VREPAIR.MSG 32369 4-15-96 9:02:06 pm VREPAIR.NLM 56052 7-9-96 5:57:22 pm V_MAC.NLM 12504 7-9-96 5:57:30 pm V_OS2.NLM 13767 7-9-96 5:57:36 pm Installation Instructions: 1) Backup all volumes, verify the backup. 2) Verify that the server is running the latest OS Patches, found in 410pt6 or later. 3) Update the following files in the SYS:SYSTEM directory: MAC.NAM OS2.NAM 4) Update the following files in the C:\NWSERVER directory on the server's DOS partition: MAC.NAM OS2.NAM This can be done either by using the "Transfer Files" option in Rconsole, or by downing the server and copying the files. 5) At this point it is possible to avoid re-creating the volumes. However, it is recommended to re-create the volume since the inclosed VREPAIR only resolves MAC issue #5 and OS2 issue #8. Leaving the other possible issues to be fixed on a per file basis by the user, either by copying the file or restoring it from backup. Without deleting the volumes, restart the server to load the new name spaces and try to mount the volumes. If the volumes will not mount, then load and run the inclosed VREPAIR*, V_MAC.NLM, and V_OS2.NLM on all volumes with MAC and/or OS2 name space. If the volumes still can not be mounted it is necessary to recreate the volumes. 6) Delete the affected volumes 7) Down and restart the file server to load the new *.NAM modules. 8) Create the volumes and add the appropriate name spaces. 9) Restore the data to the volumes *Note: The inclosed VREPAIR and associated files are from the shipping NW 4.11 kit. In 4.11 the OS/2 name space has been renamed LONG.NAM. In order for these modules to run on 4.10 V_LONG.NLM has been renamed V_OS2.NLM to match OS2.NAM in 4.10. _____________________________________________________________ MAC Name space v4.10 changes: 1) FIXED a problem with handling Double byte characters when generating MAC unique names. (1-17-94) 3) FIXED When the OS2.NAM module is loaded and the OS2 Namespace is added to the SYS volume, an OS/2 Client logged in as Supervisor is able to look into the SYS:_NetWare directory. The supervisor/admin user is able to change / delete / copy files from this dir. (7-29-94) 4) FIXED the mac name space to use it's own upper case table & LStrToUpper routine, the mac only needs the lower case letters converted to upper case. Problems have been detected when using the OS's with lconfig.sys loaded (installed default). (9-30-94) 5) FIXED where the mac name space should truncate names longer than 31 instead of 32. The mac only supports 31 characters. A file or folder name created by an NFS, OS/2, or Win 95 client that is longer than 31 characters will hang the mac client or cause Finder to restart. The mac client does not need to access the problem file. Any access to the parent folder, including closing the parent folder, will cause the problem. (5-23-95) 6) FIXED the GenerateUniqueName which was skipped when putting in the MaximumMacNameLength check. (8-29-95) 7) FIXED the GenerateUniqueName routine to allow spaces. (11-13-95) 8) FIXED When creating the Japanese wide chars p-y, and then creating the wide numbers 0-9, one will delete the number. It is impossible to create all 20 files. Only one or the other will exist. There is a one to one correlation. Wide P does not exist with wide zero, etc. (12-14-95) 9) FIXED a problem in MACWildSearachDirectory, where the DOS entry was not locked before going to sleep. (7-28-96) OS2 Name Space v4.10 changes: 1) FIXED a problem with handling Double byte characters when generating MAC unique names. (1-20-94) 2) FIXED When the OS2.NAM module is loaded and the OS2 Namespace is added to the SYS volume, an OS/2 Client logged in as Supervisor is able to look into the SYS:_NetWare directory. The supervisor/admin user is able to change / delete / copy files from this dir. (7-29-94) 3) FIXED double byte. 4) FIXED the GenerateUniqueName routine to allow spaces. (11-13-95) 5) FIXED the DOSValidationTable to be marked after coping it from the OS, with the extra characters OS2 allows. (11-22-95) 6) FIXED When creating the Japanese wide chars p-y, and then creating the wide numbers 0-9, one will delete the number. It is impossible to create all 20 files. Only one or the other will exist. There is a one to one correlation. Wide P does not exist with wide zero, etc. (12-14-95) 7) FIXED the name space to include its own GenerateHashRoutine. This helps in cases of character values above 0x7f. (12-21-95) 8) FIXED Several places were allowing bad characters in the name field. (2-7-96) 9) FIXED a problem in generate unique name, where we started checking for trailing spaces 1 position beyond the end of the name. (4-22-96) 10) FIXED When attempting to rename an 8 character directory name to a 7 character name in the OS2 name space when it fails. (5-22-96) 11) FIXED the name space to allow a ; or = to be used in a name. (6/18/96) 12) MAKE sure the " character is valid always (7-15-96) 13) FIXED a problem in OS2WildSearachDirectory, where the DOS entry was not locked before going to sleep. (7-28-96) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------