121 %lu KBytes (%lu%%) 122 %lu KB 123 Disk 124 Disk is already initialized. Re-initializing the disk will cause all data to be lost! Are you sure? 125 Are you sure you want to initialize the disk? 126 The disk is write-protected. You must first turn off write protection before initializing the disk. 127 Disk initialized successfully 128 Disk initialization failed. If this printer is serviced by a Netware file server, you must be logged in with supervisor access. 129 Disk Details: Initialize the disk or write protect it. If the disk is write protected, no modifications may be made. View total capacity and free space. 130 Fonts: View the list of fonts on the disk. To view more details about the font, click the 'Details' button. To delete a font, click the 'Delete' button. 131 HP Mass Storage 343 Do you really wish to delete this font? 344 Font deletion failed. If this printer is serviced by a Netware file server, you must be logged in with supervisor access. 345 An error has occurred. Please close your application and restart it. 346 Unable to delete font or unable to verify font deletion. 347 Unable to obtain font details. 348 A communication error has occurred. Close the application and try again.