Hi, this is the author of Tray-HQ...I'd wish to thank the following people for their support/contributions/beta-testing/ratings or anything else of Tray-HQ...: Alex Bischoff John Hill Jarle Aase Ahto Tanner Cerny Robert Paul Petch Hpt.Kom Highrisk Michael Ebner The Sax NONAGS The Delphi Deli and Borland... ;) History: -------- NEW IN VERSION 1.32: -Several minor changes and bugfixes -Major changes to the notebook: -Notebook now accepts dropped files -Files larger then 32KB can now be opened -Notebook now supports Tabs and WordWrap NEW IN VERSION 1.3: -The address book and the settings tab sheets. -German Language Support -Several minor changes... NEW IN VERSION 1.2: -The Clipboard Capture ! -The Notepad and Clipboard Capture now have a printing option. -By double-clicking on a date, u can enter a one-liner that will be displayed when Tray-HQ is started on that date. -A new Launch-submenu for the tray icon, that starts the regedit, controls, explorer or screensaver. -The recent files' menu of the notepad now stores 8 instead of 4 filenames. -Stop Time now has an option for setting a charge NEW IN VERSION 1.1: - The buttons on the notepad have been removed to save place and solve problems with some older graphics adapters. An undo-function -has been included in the notepad-menu. - 1/x function for the calculator - Clear Recent Files option - Calculator now has a copy to clipboard function via the pop-up menu. It also has an option to use a . instead of a , now, for American users. You can now use the keys in this! - Calendar has a new button that shows and jumps to the actual date - Countdown now displays a messagebox when it has reached zero. - Stop Time / Countdown shows it's current value as tool-tip of the tray-icon. - The filesize has been reduced by nearly a quarter! KNOWN BUGS: -Tray-HQ stops the shutdown of Windows NT when active. -Some standard-dialogboxes may always be in German. -Certain (mostly old ISA-bus) graphics adapters may cause the tab control to disappear - Users in Sweden will have to live with the fact that their calender isn’t showing the actual date. Timezones are kind of strange... ;) - On some machines, the fonts can suddenly appear screwed. I suppose this is caused by old graphics drivers, but I am not sure. If this happens, check the trayhq.ini file and replace the value -25 or -99 for the fontsize with -11.