RegView -
"How to Use RegView"
Those functions which are the same as "RegEdit" provides will not be described here. Please see "RegEdit" online help for details.
Change printer properties.
Copy select key name to ClipBoard.
Search any registry key or value which contains the specified strings
Search any registry key or value which contains the specified strings and then allow to delete those found keys or values
Search any registry key or value which contains the specified string and then allow to replace those found keys or values with a pre-defined replacement string
Show Value and Data in Large Icon
Show Value and Data in Small Icon
Show Value and Data in List
Show Value and Data in Detail
Toggle on/off Status Bar
Toggle on/off Tool Bar
Record Current Registry
Compare to Last Recorded Registry, then present a change list to allow users to restore those changes
Record INI Files
Compare to Last Recorded INI Files, then present a change list to allow users to restore those changes
Record DIRs & FILEs
Compare to Last Recorded DIRs & FILEs, then present a change list to allow users to restore those changes
Record Registry, INI files and "DIRs and FILEs" without user intervention
Compare & Restore Registry, INI files and "DIRs and FILEs" without user intervention
Show "About" box which contains version and some system resource info
Copyright © Vincent Chiu