DeskBar for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 Version 4.01 Copyright © 1994-1997 Burrell Software Enterprises All rights reserved. Introducing DeskBar ------------------- DeskBar provides you with a very powerful and elegant system of application toolbars. These toolbars are populated with your choice of buttons that provide quick and easy access to almost anything on your desktop. You can have buttons that access your favorite Control Panel applets, Dial-up Networking programs, Web pages, printers, applications, documents, or directories. You can also control your screen saver and wallpaper, and get one-click access to the Windows Run dialog, Find menu, and a variety of shutdown options. You can have one or multiple bars and dock them along an edge or float them in any orientation you wish. DeskBar can provide you with a button to almost anything! What's New in Version 4 ----------------------- Here are just some of the improvements in this version of DeskBar: - faster loading of bars - more efficient use of system resources - bars support setting the background color - bars can have a bitmap background - buttons can activate with single- or double-clicks - buttons can have icon, text, or both icon and text on them - buttons support setting the background color and text color - button size is fully adjustable, not just "large" or "small" - large icon size (48 x48) is now supported - new "Office 97" style menus and buttons - "OpenBar" component is replaced by more flexible "BarManager" component - new clock/stopwatch component - new simple audio CD component - .BAR files can now exist anywhere on your system - no more "data directory"! - no longer requires system DLL's (MFC42.DLL, MSVCRT.DLL, OLEPRO32.DLL) Upgrading From Version 3.x -------------------------- Much of DeskBar's internals have changed for version 4. As a result, the format of the .BAR files has changed. Version 4 will open your v3.x .BAR files, back them up with a .BAK extension, and convert them to the new format. If, for some reason, you want to go back to a previous version of DeskBar, you can rename the .BAK files to .BAR and use them. REGISTERED USERS: If you are a registered user of DeskBar 3.x, you must contact Burrell Software Enterprises for a new license file to gain full access to this version. Installing DeskBar ------------------ To begin the installation, run SETUP.EXE and follow the Setup Wizard's prompts. Setup will install the following files into your DeskBar destination folder: DESKBAR.EXE main program DBREMOVE.EXE DeskBar uninstall program DBREMOVE.INF DeskBar uninstall information file COMPS.DBX DeskBar components SHELL.DBX DeskBar shell extension library SAMPLE.BAR sample bar DBTIPS.TXT tips file ORDER.TXT order form README.TXT this file DeskBar will only run on Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 and later versions. Uninstalling DeskBar -------------------- To uninstall DeskBar, run the "Add/Remove Programs" applet in Control Panel. Select "DeskBar" from the list and click the "Add/Remove" button. Registration ------------ See the file ORDER.TXT for full registration information. Contacting Burrell Software Enterprises --------------------------------------- Burrell Software Enterprises 4718 Millhaven Dr. SE Kentwood, MI 49548 Web URL: Internet: CompuServe: 71163,2001 Thank you for checking out DeskBar!