Private Music Collection Registration Form NOTE: THIS IS THE REGISTRATION FORM FOR VERSION 1.21 IF THERE IS A NEWER VERSION IT WILL BE SENT TO YOU TOGETHER WITH YOUR KEY. Site licenses: A site license for PMC entitles an organization to receive one copy of the distribution package and to duplicate the distribution disk for the specified number of copies. PMC ____ copies at $25 / HFl 30 / DM 30 each = ___________ The latest version on disk $10 / HFl 10 / DM 10 = ___________ I pay [ ] cash [ ] International cheque (costs $5 extra to process) ___________ [ ] Eurocheque [ ] to Bankaccount Rabobank Kampen (NL only) Tatal Costs =___________ Name: ________________________________________________________________ Company: _____________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _________________________________________________________ Country: _______________________________________________________________ Electronic Mail address: _________________________________________________ I agree that I get a temporary key for the first 21 days. During that period I can get my money back. I agree that once I've got my personal key I can do no backorders anymore. I understand that my order and payment won't be processed and nor returned when my order or payment is improper. Date:______________ Sign:_____________________________________________