Information about ordering by Credit Card is located in the Help file. If paying by check, please print this form and send it with your remittance to: Brazos Bayou Software 2819 Calendar Lake Drive Missouri City, TX 77459 USA Please give an e-Mail address if you have one so we may inform you of your registration code as soon as we receive your order, as well as give timely information on upgrades. DesqTop Solutions V2.1 Registration Form. I wish to register ____ copies of DesqTop Solutions. I am registering from: USA: Enclose a check for $US______ ($15 per copy) Add for U.S. S&H: $1 Add for Canadian S&H: $1 Add for overseas S&H: $2 Non-USA Country: Enclose a check drawn on a local bank for ______ (equivalent in value to $US 15 per copy) Name(s) _______________________________________________ (To appear in about box, continue on separate sheet if necessary) Company _______________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Zipcode ___________________ Country ___________________ E-Mail ___________________ Where did you obtain DesqTop Solutions? _____________________________ General comments/suggestions: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Thank you!