NimSim v1.10 REGISTRATION FORM Name____________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ Town_______________________________State_____Zip_________ - ____ Telephone (______) - ________ - ___________E-mail_______________ Where did you find this program?________________________________ Note: The non-shareware version of NimSim will be sent to you electronically, at the e-mail address above. If you are unable to receive files electronically, include an additional $2.00 shipping and handling fee. Updates will be mailed only to locations within the continental United States. Non-Shareware NimSim Amt____X $5 $_________ Shipping & Handling Amt____X $2 $_________ Total enclosed $_________ Send this completed form along with your payment to: DARTCY Productions PO BOX 714 Carmel, NY, 10512 USA Please make checks payable to "DARTCY productions". All checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank. Checks or money orders will be accepted. The program will be sent as soon as payment arrives. Thanks for registering!