1000 Installation is incomplete. You must run the setup program again to complete in installation process.\n\nExit setup now? 1001 Setup already running! 1002 SnagIt/32 is not supported in the WIN32S environment. Please install the 16-bit version of SnagIt.\n\nSetup will now exit. 1003 SnagIt/32 installation complete! 1111 Invalid target filename specified. Installation is not complete. 1112 Directory access error. Installation is not complete. 1113 User aborted file copy. Installation is not complete. 1114 Error creating target directory. Installation is not complete. 1115 Error writing program files. Installation is not complete. 1116 Error reading program source files. Installation is not complete. 1117 SnagIt is currently running from the directory you specified. Close down SnagIt and all related files and try installing again.\n\nInstallation is not complete. 1203 Windows was unable to automatically create program groups or program items. You should create the groups and items manually.