------- PSA Cards 3.0 for Windows 95 and NT 4.0 ------ VERSION 3.0 WILL READ FILES WRITTEN BY EARLIER VERSIONS. VERSIONS OLDER THAN 3.0 WILL NOT READ VERSION 3.0 FILES. DESCRIPTION PSA Cards is an easy to use address program. It looks like a card file and it works like a card file. Just click on a divider tab or card to open or close it. PSA Cards is also an OLE 2.0 container application. This means that you can link or imbed objects (pictures, maps, documents, sound and video clips) created in other programs in your PSA Cards entries. PSA Cards existing features: * Print Rolodex cards, envelopes, mailing labels, shipping labels and address booklets. Address books can be customized. * POSTNET bar codes * Dial phone numbers, including dialing profiles that account for differences in dialing from different locations, and credit card calls. * Reminders for birthdays, anniversaries, or appointments * Merge two PSA Cards files, keeping latest modifications * Search any field for a text string and dated fields for a date or range of dates. Includes searching for words that sound alike. * Import data from an ASCII file or Microsoft CardFile * Export any field or combination of fields to a file or the clipboard for use in a word processing program or spreadsheet. * Object Linking and Embedding (OLE 2.0) container application * Context menus (right mouse button popup menus). The right mouse button menus allow common commands to be performed on Entries, fields within entries, and embedded objects by right clicking on them. * Create groups of entries for organizing various types of lists. These lists can be used to address Christmas cards, invitations, and to export addresses for mail merge in a word processor. Powerful group editing features. * No inherent limits on the number of entries or lengths of fields. * User configurable toolbars. * Optional second toolbar. * Tool tips for toolbar buttons (Not available for Windows 3.1) * Dockable toolbars (Not available for Windows 3.1) * Double click an entry to edit it * User specified screen and printer fonts * Type a letter to open a divider tab * Separate dialogs for residential and business entries * File backup command and backup reminder. * User specified text, tab, and entry colors * Speed Entry command, including entering information from a multiline edit field by highlighting text and clicking a field button. * Tip of the day, including links to relevant topics in the Help file. * OLE drag and drop. * On-line, context sensitive help * Written in C++ * Windows 3.1, Windows NT, and Windows 95 versions available * Installation program VERSION 3.0 NEW FEATURES AND CHANGES General * Improved dialog for for field mapping in Import command * City, State ZIP line for mail merge * Metric units (mm) for measurements * Added Edit command to context (right mouse button) menus. * Option for dd-mm-yy Euro style dates * Multiple e-mail fields Printing * Separate fonts for return address, envelopes, cards, labels, address books. * Added command to print entry to right mouse button menu. * Made Print Current Entry the default if no check marks. * Added option to use Print Setup for envelope selection. * Added No. 9 envelope size - 3 7/8 x 8 7/8 and metric sizes. * Optional USPS format for addresses - all caps, no punctuation for envelopes and mailing labels. * Allow mailing label paper selection in print setup (including A4 size). * Custom mailing label sizes and more predefined label forms * Option for auto size on mailing labels. * Print manual double sided address books as two print jobs. * Allow address book paper selection in print setup (including A4 size). * Added new address book formats. * Changed print preview to retain print preview window size and state separately from the main window size and state. Entry Names and Entry Sorting * Program now sorts van, v.d., and von type entries properly * Option for displaying and printing using "last name, first name" style * Added contact name to sort strings for business entries and second name to sort string for reisidences. Dialing * Added multiple local area codes * Added TAPI to enable dialing out while waiting for FAXes (Windows 95/NT 4.0 only). VERSION 3.0 BUG FIXES * Fixed barcode logic to handle case: 1234 - 25 Ave. NE. i.e., the "-" between the street number and name. * Fixed barcode bug that occurred when street field had more than one line. * Fixed bug in phone editing dialog. Deleting all entries, including the "new" one caused a problem. * Fixed a bug that caused text in the Notes field to become scrambled when the main screen was scrolled. ********************** INSTALLATION ********************** INSTALLING FROM A FLOPPY DISK Run the setup program, setup.exe, from the Program Manager, Start menu, or Explorer. INSTALLING FROM A DOWNLOADED ZIP FILE 1. Extract the program and help files by running pkunzip from the command prompt. The zip file should contain these files: _inst32i.ex_ _isdel.exe _SETUP.DLL _SETUP.LIB DATA.Z DISK1.ID FILE_ID.DIZ README.TXT SETUP.EXE SETUP.INS SETUP.PKG UNINST.EXE 2. Run the setup program, setup.exe. It is best not to install the PSA Cards in the same directory that contains the unzipped downloaded files. You can delete this directory after the installation is finished. If you do this, be sure to backup your downloaded ZIP file before deleting it from your hard drive. LOCKED FILES If the setup program cannot replace an earlier version of a file because it is already in use, restart (reboot) you computer after the installation. When a file can't be replaced because it is locked by another application, the setup program writes a file called wininit.ini in the Windows directory. This file contains information on how to replace files as the system is started. Windows looks for this file on system startup. IF SETUP.EXE WON'T LOAD Occasionally, setup.exe will not load. This usually occurs when a previous InstallSHIELD installation has failed and left junk in your C:\TEMP directory. If this happens to you, use the Explorer to clean out your C:\TEMP directory. Then try the installation again. This is a problem with the Stirling Technology InstallSHIELD system. Hopefully they will provide a fix for this soon. The install program can also be prevented from loading by some virus protection programs. Of course the solution to this problem to turn off your virus protection program while you run the installation. INSTALLING IN AN EXISTING DIRECTORY When installling in an existing directory and running Windows NT 4.0, you may get a "General file transfer error". If this happens, try deleting the directory and then installing. Be sure to save any data files that you may in the directory before deleting it. UNINSTALL PROGRAM The install program implements an uninstall feature that will remove PSA Cards from your system. To access this program, click on Settings command in the Start Menu, then the Control Panel, and finally double click the Add/Remove Program icon. In Windows NT, double click the Uninstall icon in the PSA Cards program group. Be sure you want to uninstall PSA Cards before doing this. Once started in Windows NT, the program immediately proceeds to uninstall PSA Cards. If you have added files to the PSA Cards directory, Uninstall will not delete the directory. Nor will it delete data files (other than sample.car) that you have created in the PSA Cards directory. IF YOU ARE CONVERTING FROM PSA CARDS FOR WINDOWS 3.1, READ THIS: When you install PSA Cards for Windows 3.1 on a computer running Windows 95, or when you install Windows 95 over Windows 3.1 with PSA Cards already installed, there will be a "PSA Cards" program folder on the Windows 95 Start menu. When you install PSA Cards for Windows 95/NT 4.0 on a computer running Windows 95, a program icon named "PSA Cards Win 32" will appear on the Start menu. Since the InstallSHIELD Windows 95 installation routine does not check for the presence of the old PSA Cards program folder from the Windows 3.1 version, you will need to remove it from the Start menu manually. To do this, right click on the Start menu, open the Programs folder, find the old PSA Cards program folder, and drag it to the Recycle Bin. LOADING A DATA FILE ON STARTUP The installation program sets up PSA Cards to automatically open the file "sample.car" each time you select the PSA Cards icon. If you want to open a different file on program startup in Wndows NT, use the Program manager "Properties" command to change the Command Line entry. The new data file name replaces "sample.car" after the program name (cards.exe). Be sure to leave a blank between the program name and the file name. If you are running Windows 95: 1. Right click Start button 2. Click "Explore" 3. Click on the "Programs" folder and look for the PSA Cards shortcut in the Contents pane. (click the words "Programs" then look in the right hand window pane) 4. Right click on PSA Cards shortcut. 5. Click "Properties" 6. Click "Shortcut" tab 7. Change "Target" line sample.car to the desired file. You can also start PSA Cards from the File Manager or Explorer by double clicking (or right click - Open) on any PSA Cards data file that has a .car file type. Another Windows 95 way of starting PSA Cards with a specific data file is to use the right mouse button to drag file's icon to the desktop. Then select "Create Shortcut(s) here" when the right mouse button menu is displayed. REGISTRATION Complete registration instructions can be found in the on-line Help. Go the Help menu, click on Register and then click on the Help button in the Registraton dialog box. DISCLAIMER Although PSA Cards has been carefully written and tested, no claim is made as to its reliability and freedom from bugs. This software is provided "as-is" without warranty of any kind. In no event shall PSA Software be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use or inability to use PSA Cards. KNOWN PROBLEMS RUNNING IN WINDOWS NT 4.0 The Microsoft dialer sometimes fails to start when dialing. To work around this problem, manually start the MS dialer from the Start menu | Accessories. The Microsoft dialer sometimes fails to translate phone numbers to dial strings. To work around this problem, use the phone number to dial string translation built into PSA Cards. BUG REPORTS AND FEEDBACK Please send bug reports, and suggestions for new features to CompuServe User ID 72064,1437, or Internet: billr@PSA-Cards.com or US mail to me at the above registration address. I can't fix bugs or add new features if I don't know about them, so let me hear from you. You can also get the PSA Cards news and download the most recent ZIP file from the PSA Software web page: http://www.PSA-Cards.com I hope that you find PSA Cards useful. Bill Rogers