Welcome to WinDirs v2.0! Version 2.0 has many improvements to speed up your file management jobs and has added a seperate copy and search sub-program. WinDirs is a complete file management utility. It allows you to create directories, delete directories, copy and move files, search for files, view and execute files, rearrange your Windows items and groups, and it includes a built-in uncompression program which will extract ZIP, LZH or ARJ files and Expand Microsoft's compressed files. WinDirs also has a file labeling function which allows you to attach short descriptions to your files to describe what they are. It has a built-in graphics viewer for BMP and GIF files and an icon viewer and editor. In addition, WinDirs gives you access to many DOS functions such as file attributions and Check Disk. To load WinDirs onto your system, go to the File menu of your Windows Program Manager and choose Run. Choose the WinDirs setup.exe file from the directory or disk and click on OK. The setup program will load all the necessary files onto your system and create a Windows program group for WinDirs. In order for the uncompression portion of the program to run properly, you will also need to have the the following archiving utilities fully extracted in a directory which is located in your path: For the PKZip program,PKZ204G.EXE; For the ARJ program, ARJ239.EXE; For the LHA program, LHA212.EXE. (the EXE filename may depend on the version of the program.). From PKZ204g.exe, Dos-It uses Pkzip.exe, Pkunzip.exe, Pkzipfix.exe, and Zip2exe.exe. From Arj239.exe all you will need is Arj.exe. From Lha212.exe lha.exe is all that is needed. Please ensure these files are in your path. These files are not furnished as part of the WinDirs Program. They can be obtained from most online services or BBSs. You also need to have the VBRUN300.DLL and THREED.VBX files in your Windows\System directory in order for WinDirs to run properly. After unzipping the WinDirs.zip file, you should see the following files: _windirs.pi_ arjpro.ba_ arjpro.pi_ cmdialog.vb_ ddeml.dl_ dosit.dl_ expand.ex_ frespace.dl_ gifbox.vb_ lhapro.ba_ lhapro.pi_ msexp.ba_ msexp.pi_ msgrid.vb_ pkfix.ba_ pkfix.pi_ pkuz.ba_ pkuz.pi_ setup.exe setup.lst setup1.ex_ setupkit.dl_ shell.dl_ vbctl3d.vb_ ver.dl_ readme.wr_ readme.txt (this file) windirs.dl_ windirs.ex_ windirs.hl_ When WinDirs is installed onto your system, all of the .pif and .bat files are added to your Windows directory. All of the .dll and .vbx files are added to your Windows\System directory. The WinDirs .exe and .hlp files and the readme.wri file goes into the WinDirs directory. To uninstall WinDirs, simply delete all of the files in the list. No changes are made to your autoexec.bat or any .ini files. WinDirs may be distributed freely, as long as no fee is charged for the distribution and all of the files listed above are included with the program. It may in no way be bundled with or included into another program without obtaining prior written permission from the author. WinDirs is a shareware program produced by KnowWare in Waldport, Oregon. This software is provided as-is. There are no warranties, expressed or implied.