Miracle Zip 2.2 Changes and Fixes The following is a short report of fixes and changes made to Miracle Zip 2.1 in order to make it Miracle Zip 2.2. These changes were made on 9/6/1995 and the whole thing repackaged and uploaded to the major networks. BTW, feel free to send this packaged file to as many BBSes and Networks as you wish. Just say you uploaded it on behalf of me! 1> Now when you "Get Path" for the extract list it actually shows the current "gotten path" in the "Extract File To:" box. Before the path simply appeared on the bottom of the list and you had to pull down the list to make the path appear in the "Extract File To:" box. 2> You may now extract to the main drives. Before if the "Extract File To:" path was "a:\" or "c:\" (etc.) there was a report from Miracle Zip that the path could not be found. Now it will not do that. 3> When extracting ZIP sets to disk or hard drive it no longer matters how long the file names are. Before the file names had to be 6 to 8 letters to the ".zip" extension before it would recognize the numbers of the files. Now it will check for similar zip file name from 1 letter to 100 letters long so you can unzip a set of zip files called "a1.zip", "a2.zip" and so on. 4> Now zipping disks really does include the volume labels. Before it occassionaly included the actual hard drive volume label instead of the disk's volume label. I have corrected this. Thanks Wayne Stewart 8337 Washington Village Drive Centerville, Ohio 45458