Registration / Order Form : U-Convert-It v1.10 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Ship To: Date: ________________ Name: ____________________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ City, ST, Zip: ___________________________________________________ Phone or Fax: (optional) _________________________________________ Electronic Address: ______________________________________________ Where did you hear about U-Convert-It?____________________________ Downloaded from: _________________________________________________ To order send a CHECK or MONEY ORDER along with this form to: Fred Block P.O. Box 1533 McAfee, New Jersey 07428 Disk Size Required: [ ] 3.5" Disk [ ] 5.25" Disk Single-User Registration ------------------------------------------------- 1 - 3 [ ] copies @ $15.00 each = $ _______ Multiple-User Registration (Site License) ------------------------------------------------- 4 - 10 [ ] copies @ $12.50 each = $ _______ 11 - 20 [ ] copies @ $10.00 each = $ _______ 21 & UP [ ] copies @ $ 8.00 each = $ _______ Total enclosed = $ _______ *All prices include one (1) original disk with each registration. Additional copies may be purchased for $2.00 each. For orders outside the continental U.S. or Canada, please add $4.00 shipping and handling. Payments must be in US dollars drawn on a US bank. >-------------------------------------------------------< >--- Thank you for supporting U-Convert-It ! ---< >-------------------------------------------------------<