SINCERELY YOURS, By Stephen P. Fierbaugh , 1995 This software is in the public domain. You may freely distribute it as long as you agree to distribute this documentation with it and to hold me liable for absolutely nothing. If you like this, drop me a short note at! "Sincerely Yours," is a short, sweet, simple, small program that does nothing except copy your name & closing salutation to the clipboard for paste into your email program. It is fully configurable through its INI file. It has room for a closing salutation, name, and two optional lines. It also will randomly pick a one-liner from any text file (5000 lines or less) which you select in the INI file. HINT: Make sure the one liner file doesn't have an extra blank line at the end. HINT: On a fast machine, you may not even see the "Sincerely Yours," working dialog. This doesn't mean that it didn't work.