IPIN PhotoCalendar 1.4 Registration Register now and you will get 12 more high quality computer scanned photos stored in the 3.5" disks taken by photographers around the world plus the IPIN PhotoCalendar user guide. We will also scan in 5 of your personal photos (limit to 3" or 4" photo) free of charge (a $10 value). We also provide photo scanning service at $2 per photo (limit to 3" or 4" photo). all photos will be stored as BMP format in the 3.5" disks. 10% off for 10 photos or more, call for pricing over 100 photos. (Photo scanning services are not refundable) Previous registered users of IPIN PhotoCalendar 1.2B and 1.3 can upgrade to IPIN PhotoCalendar 1.4 free of charge by send in your registration ID plus $2 ($4 if outside U.S.A) for shipping and handling. Ordering by credit card (CompuServe members only): CompuServe members can logon to the online software registration (GO SWREG) and register the software by charging to your CompuServe's membership account, you will receive a coupon later for the free photo scanning offer. IPIN PhotoCalendar's Reg. ID is (5976). Ordering by check: To order by check send this order form and a check to : Telnet Computer Consultant P.O. Box 51863 Irvine, CA 92619-1863 To print this order form, click on Print Topic in the File pull-down menu. Payments must be in US dollars drawn on a US bank, or an American Express Money order, or US Currency. All disks are shipped in 3.5" Disk format. IPIN PhotoCalendar 1.4 single copy: quantity ___ @ $25.00 ea. = _____ Photos for scanning: quantity ___ @ $2.00 ea. = _____ California residents add 8.25% sales tax + _____ Shipping and handling (in USA) + $ 2 Shipping and handling (outside USA) + $ 4 Total payment = _____ Ship to: Name : ___________________________________ Company:_________________________________ Address:__________________________________ City, State, Zip:_____________________________ Country:__________________________________ Day Phone:______________ Eve______________ Email address:______________________________ For the free photo scanning offer, send in your photos (no negative please) together with your registration form. If you chose to send in your photos later, we will mail you the free offer coupon after we receive your registration form and the payment, you can use the coupon within 3 months to send in your photos. All price good through 12/31/95 Refunds, Other options For any questions about refunds, registration options, product details, technical support, volume discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses, etc, send to the address above or by: Compuserve : 71344,3244 AOL: Telnet Com Internet: 2039948@mcimail.com Voice Mail : 714-651-9931 As a registered user you'll also be entitled to substantial discounts on future upgrades.