0 What are you doing in here? (Remember the 7/18) 106 WinSettings 97: Options 107 Error Setting Wallpaper 108 Invalid Wallpaper File Name 109 Error Setting Startup Screen 110 Invalid Startup Screen File Name 111 Error Setting Safe To Shutdown Screen 112 Invalid Safe To Shutdown Screen File Name 113 Error Setting Please Wait Shutdown Screen 114 Invalid Please Wait Shutdown Screen File Name 115 No Wallpaper Selected 116 No Startup Screen Selected 117 No Safe To Shutdown Screen Selected 118 No Please Wait Shutdown Screen Selected 119 Could Not Change Display Settings 120 Error: Invalid Display Settings 121 WinSetting 97: Disk Info 122 Icon Files | *.Ico;*.Icl;*.Nil;*.Exe;*.Dll;*.Cpl;*.Scr;*.Bmp;*.Dib;Logo.sys;Logow.sys;Logos.sys;Logo*.sys 123 Bitmap Image | *.Bmp;*.Dib;Logo.sys;Logow.sys;Logos.sys;Logo*.sys 124 Wave Sounds | *.Wav 125 WinSettings 97: Image Changer Configuration 126 WinSettings 97 Installation 127 WinSettings 97: Initial Configuration 128 WinSettings 97 129 Program Files | *.Exe;*.Bat;*.Pif;*.Lnk;*.Com;*.Cpl;*.Scr 130 WinSettings 97 131 All Files | *.* 132 MIDI Sequence | *.Mid;*.Rmi 133 WinSettings 97: Background Music Configuration 134 Multimedia Files | *.Wav;*.Mid;*.Avi;*.Mov;*.Rmi;*.Mpg;*.Mpeg 135 Image Files | *.bmp;*.dib;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpe;*.jpeg;*.pcx;*.tif;*.tiff;*.tga;;logo.sys;logow.sys;logos.sys;*.avi;*.eps;*.clp;*.wpg;*.cgm;*.pcd;*.fli;*.flc 176 WinSettings 97 Preview\nDIB\nDIB Document\nDIB Files (*.bmp)\n.bmp 184 Display Settings 32779 Opens the image for editing\nOpens the image for editing 32805 Closes the preview window\nCloses the preview window 32806 Scale the image to fit in the window\nScale the image to fit in the window 32807 Zooms in on the image\nZooms in on the image 32808 Zooms out of the image\nZooms out of the image 32809 Return image to its normal size\nReturn image to its normal size 32810 The filename contains an illegal | character 32811 There is no item selected to move 32812 Only one item may be moved at a time 32813 The first item cannot be moved up 32814 The last item cannot be moved down 32815 List control insert error 32816 A memory allocation error has occured 32817 Windows could not be restarted, please restart manually for changes to take effect 32818 System Error: Image list failure 32819 Please select an icon 32820 Could not find registry entry; please run Setup.Exe again 32821 Windows needs to be restarted for some changes to take effect.\nDo you want to restart Windows now? 57344 WinSettings 97 57664 About WinSettings 97 57665 http://www.pgcc.com/win/default.html 57666 WinSettings 97: Windows Configuration 57667 Press to register a new file type 57668 Press to remove the selected file type 57669 Press to modify the selected file type 57670 This is the file type's description, which will apper in Explorer under 'Type' 57671 These are the extensions of the files associated with this type 57672 This is the file where the file type gets its icon 57673 This is the icon's index within its file 57674 Check to always show this file type's extension within Explorer 57675 Check to allow Quick View to open this file type 57676 This is a list of all the actions associated with this file type 57677 Press to set the default action when file type is double-clicked in Explorer 57678 Press to remove the selected action 57679 Press to create a new action 57680 Press to cancel making changes 57681 Press to accept any changes 57682 Press to browse for a icon file 57683 Click to raise or lower the icon number 57684 This is the action's name 57685 This is the command line which will be executed when this action is selected from Explorer 57686 Check to enable DDE 57687 This is the DDE message to be sent to the application 57688 This is the application the DDE message will be sent to 57689 This is the DDE message sent when the application is not running 57690 This is the DDE topic 57691 Press to accept any changes 57692 Press to discard any changes 57693 Press to browse for a program 57694 Press to edit the select action 57695 Background music error while playing %s: %s.\nDo you want to continue playing background music? 57696 There are no play lists.\nDo you want to configure background music now? 57697 There is no play list selected.\nDo you want to configure background music now? 57698 There are no files in the current playlist.\nDo you want to configure background music now? 57699 Select to prevent WinSettings 97 from randomizing on startup 57700 Select to allow WinSettings 97 to randomize on startup 57701 Check to randomize wallpaper on startup 57702 Check to randomize startup screen on startup 57703 Check to randomize please wait to shutdown screen on startup 57704 Check to randomize safe to shutdown screen on startup 57705 Check to prevent WinSettings 97 from loading on Windows startup 57706 Check to allow WinSettings 97 to load on Windows startup 57707 Check to enable the display settings tray icon 57708 Check to clear the 'Documents' menu when Windows starts 57709 Press to clear the 'Documents' menu now 57710 Check to automatically play background music, configure using 'Configure Background Music' 57717 Extension 57718 Path 57719 # 57720 Total # 57721 MB 57722 Total MB 57723 % 57724 Click to remove the selected record from the list below 57725 Click to scan for files and add the results to the record list 57726 This is a list of all the records that have been added 57727 Click to update the selected records 57728 Click to update all records 57729 This is a display of the folder currently being scanned 57730 Click to abort scanning 57731 Scanning %s files on all local fixed drives 57732 Scanning %s files in %s 57733 There is no record selected to remove 57734 The selected record no longer has a valid path and has been removed 57735 There is no record selected to update 57736 One or more records do not have valid paths and have been removed 57737 There are no records to update 57738 Scanning in %s 57739 Please select a folder 57740 You must restart your computer before the new settings will take effect.\n\nDo you want to restart your computer now? 57741 The resoultion could not be changed\nDisplay Error 2 57742 The display driver couldn't change the display 57743 The resoultion could not be changed\nDisplay Error 4 57744 Unable to write settings to the registry 57745 Type 57746 Size (MB) 57747 Free (MB) 57748 Used (MB) 57749 Bytes Per Sector 57750 File System 57751 Max Filename Length 57752 Label 57753 S/N 57754 Compressed? 57755 Case Preserved? 57756 Case Sensitive? 57758 This is a list of all drives 57759 Click to update the list 57760 Checking drive %s: 57761 Fixed Drive 57762 Removable Drive 57763 Network Drive 57764 RAM Drive 57765 Unknown 57766 Removable Drive (No Disk Inserted) 57767 The command line contains an illegal | character 57768 The description contains an illegal | character 57769 The parameters field contains an illegal | character 57770 You must specify a program to run 57771 You must enter a description 57772 Browse For File To Run 57773 Tray Icon Properties 57774 Tray Menu Item Properties 57775 Please enter a description here 57776 Click to accept any changes 57777 Click to discard any changes 57778 This is the file to be run 57779 Please enter any parameters here 57780 Click to browse for a file to be run 57781 Do not activate screen saver when the mouse is in a corner of the screen 57782 Activate screen saver when mouse is in the upper-left corner of the screen 57783 Activate screen saver when mouse is in the upper-right corner of the screen 57784 Activate screen saver when mouse is in the lower-left corner of the screen 57785 Activate screen saver when mouse is in the lower-right corner of the screen 57786 This is how close the mouse must be to the corner to activate the screen saver 57787 This is the frequency at which the location of the mouse will be checked (in milliseconds) 57789 Sleep Corner System Error: Error setting timer 57790 Wallpaper File Name 57791 Tile? 57792 Stretch? 57793 There is no wallpaper selected to modify 57794 Click to remove the selected wallpaper from the randomization list 57795 This is a list of the wallpapers that can be randomized 57796 Click to move the selected item up 57797 Click to move the selected item down 57798 Check to randomly select images from the list, Uncheck to use images in sequence 57800 This is the wallpaper's file name 57801 Select to use this wallpaper centered 57802 Select to use this wallpaper tiled 57803 Select to use this wallpaper stretched (requires Plus) 57804 Press to accept any changes 57805 Press to discard any changes 57806 Press to browse for a wallpaper 57807 Shell Folder 57808 Folder Name 57809 This is a list of special system folders 57810 This is the location of the currently selected folder 57811 Click to browse for a new shell folder (Note: Some folders cannot be changed) 57812 Windows Folder 57813 System Folder 57814 Recycle Bin 57815 Control Panel 57816 Desktop Name 57817 Desktop Folder 57818 My Computer 57819 Fonts 57820 Nethood 57821 Network Neighborhood 57822 Personal Document Folder 57823 Printers 57824 Programs 57825 Recent Documents 57826 Send To 57827 Startup 57828 Templates 57829 Shell Icon 57830 Icon File Name 57831 Icon # 57832 This is a list of shell icons 57833 Click to change the selected shell icon 57834 Unknown File Type 57835 Image Icon 57836 Executable Icon 57837 Folder (Closed) 57838 Folder (Open) 57839 Floppy Drive 5.25" 57840 Floppy Drive 3.5" 57841 Removable Drive 57842 Hard Drive 57843 Mapped Network Drive (Accessible) 57844 Mapped Network Drive (Unaccessible) 57845 CD-ROM Drive 57846 RAM Drive 57847 Entire Network 57848 Network Cables 57849 Networked Computer 57850 Printer 57851 Network Neighborhood 57852 Workgroup 57853 Program Folder (Small) 57854 Documents 57855 Settings 57856 Find 57857 Help 57858 Run 57859 Suspend 57860 Hardware Profiles 57861 Shut Down 57862 Shared Drive / Folder Overlay 57863 Shortcut Overlay 57864 Arrow 57865 Recycle Bin (Empty) 57866 Recycle Bin (Not Empty) 57867 Dial-Up Networking 57868 Desktop 57869 Control Panel (Start Menu) 57870 Program Folder (Large) 57871 Printers Folder (Start Menu) 57872 Fonts 57873 Taskbar 57874 Audio CD 57875 Tree 57876 Saved Search 57877 My Computer 57878 Control Panel (Explorer) 57879 Printers Folder (Explorer) 57880 Dial-Up Networking 57881 There is no shell icon selected 57882 There is no shell icon selected to modify 57883 Browse For Icon 57884 There are only %lu icons in %s\nRemember: The icon number starts at 0 (zero) 57885 %s Shell Icon Properties 57886 Safe To Shutdown Screen File Name 57887 Click to remove the selected shutdown safe screen from the list below 57888 Click to add a safe to shutdown screen to the list below 57889 This is a list of safe to shutdown screens 57890 Click to move the selected item up 57891 Click to move the selected item down 57892 Check to randomly select images from the list, uncheck to use in sequence 57893 Browse For Safe To Shutdown Screen 57894 Wait To Shutdown Screen File Name 57895 Click to remove the selected wait to shutdown screen from the list below 57896 Click to add a wait to shutdown screen to the list 57897 This is a list of wait to shutdown screens 57898 Click to move the selected item up 57899 Click to move the selected item down 57900 Check to randomly select images from the list, uncheck to use in sequence 57901 Browse For Wait To Shutdown Screen 57902 Startup Screen File Name 57903 Click to remove the selected startup screen from the list below 57904 Click to add a startup screen to the list 57905 This is a list of wait to shutdown screens 57906 Click to move the selected item up 57907 Click to move the selected item down 57908 Check to randomly select images from the list, uncheck to use in sequence 57909 Browse For Startup Screen 57910 If your system uses DriveSpace, changing this option will prevent access to any compressed drives\nDo you still want disable DriveSpace? 57911 Check to always show the boot menu 57912 This is the default item on the boot menu 57913 Number of seconds boot menu will wait before using the default item 57914 Check to enable the startup screen 57915 Check to enable the function keys while booting 57916 Check to load the Windows GUI 57917 Number of seconds Windows will wait before loading 57918 Check to load DOS components at the top of memory 57919 Check to enable booting to a previous version of DOS 57920 Check to load disk compression drivers 57921 Check to enable double buffering, indeterminate (gray) for automatic support 57922 Check to boot in safe mode 57923 Check to boot to Windows 95 / DOS 7, Uncheck to boot to a previous version of DOS 57924 Check to enable 'Starting Windows 95' message 57925 Check to enable network support 57926 Does not automatically run ScanDisk after Windows does not exit properly 57927 Runs ScanDisk if Windows does not exit properly without prompting the user 57928 Runs ScanDisk if Windows does not exit properly, prompts the user to press 'Enter' before starting 57929 There is no tray icon menu selected to remove 57930 Menu Text 57931 Run 57932 Parameters 57933 This is a list of tray icon menu items 57934 Click to remove the selected tray icon menu item 57935 Click to add a new tray icon menu item 57936 Click to modify the selected tray icon menu item 57937 There is no tray icon menu selected to modify 57938 There is no tray icon selected to remove 57939 Description 57940 Run 57941 Parameters 57942 This is a list of tray icons 57943 Click to remove the selected tray icon 57944 Click to add a new tray icon 57945 Click to modify the selected tray icon 57946 There is no tray icon selected to modify 57947 Open %s 57948 Error: Tray Icon creation failed 57949 This version of WinSettings 97 does not support Windows NT 57950 This version of WinSettings 97 requires Windows 95 or higher 57951 Initializing Application... 57952 Configure WinSettings 97 57953 Checking Registry... 57954 Creating Tray Icons... 57955 Randomizing Images... 57956 Clearing 'Documents' Menu... 57957 Initializing Background Music 57958 Initialization Complete 57959 Configure WinSettings 97 57960 Configure WinSettings 97 57961 Configure WinSettings 97 57962 Configure WinSettings 97 57963 Configure WinSettings 97 57964 The startup screen %s could not be found.\n\nThe startup screen was not changed. 57965 The safe to shutdown screen %s could not be found.\n\nThe safe to shutdown screen was not changed. 57966 The wait to shutdown screen %s could not be found.\n\nThe wait to shutdown screen was not changed. 57967 The wallpaper %s could not be set 57968 The startup screen %s could not be set 57969 The safe to shutdown screen %s could not be set 57970 The wait to shutdown screen %s could not be set 57971 Display Settings 57972 Please give this action a name 57973 An action of this name already exists.\nPlease give it a different name 57974 There is no file type selected to remove 57975 There is no file type selected to modity 57976 You are still editiing an action 57977 Browse For Icon 57979 Please enter a description 57980 There are only %lu icons in %s\nRemember: The icon number starts at 0 57981 Please enter one or more extensions to register with this file type 57982 The following file types are already registered as a different type:\n%s\n\nDo you want to re-register them as %ss? 57983 The following file type is already registered as a different type:\n%s\n\nDo you want to re-register it as a %s? 57984 File Type Properties 57985 There is no action selected to set as default 57986 There is no action selected to edit 57987 There is no action selected to remove 57988 You are editing this item, are you sure you want to remove it? 57989 Are you sure you want to remove this action? 57990 Close 57991 Browse for destination folder 57992 Enter the folder to install to here, or click the browse button 57993 Click to browse for a destination folder 57994 Please enter a destination folder, or click the browse button to browse for one. 57995 This is a display of the installation progress 57996 Install to: %s 57997 Running WinSettings 97 for the first time. 57998 Installation was not successful. Press 'Back' to try again, or 'Cancel' to quit. 57999 Finish 58000 Preparing destination folder... 58001 Please wait... 58002 Copying files... 58003 Creating registry entries... 58004 Creating shortcut... 58005 Files installed successfully; press 'Finish' to complete the installation. 58006 Error creating registry entry, installation halted. 58007 WinSettings 97 could not be installed because of a registry error 58008 Error copying files, installation halted. 58009 WinSettings 97 could not be copied to the specified folder 58010 Error preparing folder, installation halted. 58011 WinSettings 97 could not create the specified folder 58012 An error occured during installation. Press 'Back' to try again. 58013 Please close any other programs now. Then, press 'Next' to start copying files. 58014 This is a list of your playlists 58015 Press to create a new playlist 58016 Press to delete the current playlist 58017 This is a list of files in the playlist that will be played as background music 58018 Check to randomly play selections from the playlist, uncheck to play in order 58019 Click to move the selected item down in the playlist 58020 Click to move the selected item up in the playlist 58021 Click to add files to the playlist 58022 Click to remove files from the playlist 58025 Browse For Multimedia Files 58026 There is no multimedia file selected to remove 58027 There is no item selected to move 58028 Only one item may be moved at a time 58029 Name Me! 58030 A play list of the same name already exists 58031 Exiting now will cancel any changes you have made.\nDo you want to exit now? 58032 System Error: Error setting timer for auto randomize 58033 Bitmap Browser 58034 There are no wallpapers to randomize 58036 Disk Usage 58037 Registered File Types 58038 WinSettings 97 Options 58039 Safe Shutdown Screen 58040 Wait Shutdown Screen 58041 Startup Screen 58042 Shell Folders 58043 Shell Icons 58044 Wallpaper 58045 Miscellaneous 58046 About WinSettings 97 58047 Tray Icons 58048 Drive Info 58049 Tray Icon Menus 58050 Screen Saver Corner 58051 Windows 95 Boot Options 58052 Multimedia Files 58053 Background Music 58054 Failed to load image 58055 Click this to add a new wallpaper 58056 Drive 58057 There are no icons in %s 58058 Browse For Icon 58059 Image Changer: The file %s is not a valid image 58060 Browse For Wallpaper 58061 The image could not be read 58062 WinSettings is currently running. Please close WinSettings and try again. 58063 All files have been installed successfully 58064 Press 'Finish' to complete the installation 58065 WinSettings is already running...\n\nTo access WinSettings' features, click the WinSettings tray icon (in the area by the tray) with the Right Mouse Button. 58066 WinSettings 97 58067 WinSettings 97 58068 Help 58069 Read Me 58070 Uninstall 61334 Reminder: This copy of WinSettings will expire soon. Ordering information is available in the help menu. This is the only reminder you will see. 61335 Disclaimer:\n\nUsers of this WinSettings trial version must accept this disclaimer of\nwarranty: WinSettings is supplied as is. Pacific Gold Coast Corp. (PGCC)\ndisclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, and without\nlimitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any\npurpose. PGCC assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential,\nwhich may result from the use of this WinSettings trial version.\n\nThis 30-day trial version of WinSettings is provided at no charge to the\nuser for evaluation. It will no longer work after 30 days. Any changes that\nyou have made using WinSettings may require this program to restore. Should\nyou desire to restore the changes that you make, please be sure to do so\nbefore this program expires or purchase a shipping version.\n 61336 I Agree 61337 Registered File Types 61338 Extensions 61339 This is a list of all the file types are registered 61342 Old Startup Screen.bmp 61344 Old Wait Shutdown Screen.bmp 61346 Old Safe Shutdown Screen.bmp 61349 WinSettings 97 Image Changer Wallpaper.bmp 61350 Y 61351 N 61440 Open 61441 Save As 61442 All Files (*.*) 61443 Untitled 61446 an unnamed file 61457 &Hide 61472 No error message is available. 61473 An unsupported operation was attempted. 61474 A required resource was unavailable. 61475 Out of memory. 61476 An unknown error has occurred. 61504 on %1 61505 &One Page 61506 &Two Page 61507 Page %u 61508 Page %u\nPages %u-%u\n 61509 prn 61510 Output.prn 61511 Printer Files (*.prn)|*.prn|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 61512 Print to File 61513 to %1 61696 Invalid filename. 61697 Failed to open document. 61698 Failed to save document. 61699 Save changes to %1? 61700 Failed to create empty document. 61701 The file is too large to open. 61702 Could not start print job. 61703 Failed to launch help. 61704 Internal application error. 61705 Command failed. 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation. 61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted. 61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed. 61709 This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system. 61710 This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s. 61712 Please enter an integer. 61713 Please enter a number. 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2. 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2. 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters. 61717 Please select a button. 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. 61719 Please enter a positive integer. 61720 Please enter a date and/or time. 61721 Please enter a currency. 61728 Unexpected file format. 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given. 61730 Destination disk drive is full. 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else. 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else. 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1. 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1. 61836 Unable to read write-only property. 61837 Unable to write read-only property. 61840 Unable to load mail system support. 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid. 61842 Send Mail failed to send message. 61856 No error occurred. 61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61858 %1 was not found. 61859 %1 contains an invalid path. 61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files. 61861 Access to %1 was denied. 61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1. 61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory. 61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full. 61865 Seek failed on %1 61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1. 61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1. 61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1. 61869 Disk full while accessing %1. 61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61872 No error occurred. 61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1. 61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1. 61877 %1 has a bad format. 61878 %1 contained an unexpected object. 61879 %1 contains an incorrect schema. 61888 pixels