Name: ______________________________ Street: ______________________________ ZIP, City: ______________________________ Country: ______________________________ Tel.: ______________________________ e-mail: ______________________________ To Josef Stoeckl Kundmanngasse 10/9 A-1030 Vienna Austria Europe Herewith I register the full version of "Crazy Rotary V1.1". The registration fee of US$20.00 incl. shipping I pay ... [ ] Cash [ ] Check [ ] Transfer on the bank account 72240647, Oesterreichische Postsparkasse, bank code number 00060000 [ ] Postal Order After payment I get a personal registration code, which makes my test version of "Crazy Slid V1.0" to the full version. [ ] I want to get the registration code by e-mail. The test version I got from ... _________________________________________________________________ Criticisms, suggestions, errors, remarks ... _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ I read the chapters "Disclaimer of warranties" and "Licence agreement for users" in the file SHAREENG.TXT and agree to the contents. ________________________ ________________________ Date Signature