INSTALLATION ------------ The first time you use the program, you may have to display the toolbars. This can be done with the View Menu. ================================================================ ABOUT THE REGISTERED VERSION ---------------------------- The registered version comes on CD-ROM with a lot of samples and a manual (in Word format) that explains how to achieve great results by following step by step procedures. This manual is a must if you really want to understand Street and take advantage of all the advanced features. The registered version costs 39$US. Ordering information is available from our web site (http:\\\~hugow\) and from the help file. YOU MUST REGISTER IF YOU USE THIS SOFTWARE FOR MORE THAN 30 DAYS ================================================================ ABOUT THE UNREGISTERED VERSION ------------------------------ The following uses of StreetGraphics UNREGISTERED are allowed by OrbisTertius Informatique inc., creators of the software and owners of the copyright: - Use of StreetGraphics UNREGISTERED for a 30 days evaluation] period - Duplication and distribution FREE OF CHARGE of the UNMODIFIED SOFTWARE (ALL THE FILES IN THEIR ORIGINAL FORM MUST BE INCLUDED) The following uses of StreetGraphics UNREGISTERED (THE SOFTWARE) are prohibited and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law: - REVERSE ENGINEERING (disassembly of the code or any other form of reverse engineering) - MODIFICATION OF THE CODE (.EXE, .DLL, .HLP, .CNT) - SALE OF THE SOFTWARE (OR OF ANY PART OF THE SOFTWARE) - LEASE OF THE SOFTWARE (OR OF ANY PART OF THE SOFTWARE) - RENTAL OF THE SOFTWARE (OR OF ANY PART OF THE SOFTWARE) - DISTRIBUTION OF THE SOFTWARE AS PART OF ANOTHER SOFTWARE PRODUCT - DISTRIBUTION OF THE SOFTWARE AS PART OF ANOTHER HARDWARE PRODUCT ================================================================ HOW TO CONTACT ORBIS TERTIUS INFORMATIQUE ----------------------------------------- Internet: ================================================================ Thank you very much for using "Street". Feel free to email me your suggestions and comments. Hugo Windisch, President of Orbis Tertius Informatique inc., and author of StreetGraphics.