September 4, 1997 This is the README.TXT file for Microangelo GIFted, a product designed specifically for creating and editing GIF image and animation files. GIFted requires either the Windows 95 or Windows NT (4.0 or higher) operating platform. INSTALLING Microangelo GIFted ----------------------------- The GIFted package includes a graphical Windows installation program. Copy or unzip the set of files that accompany this README.TXT file to a floppy diskette ot into a temporary folder. Then run the SETUP program from the diskette or temporary folder. DOCUMENTATION ------------- Setup installs a Quickstart User Manual and displays this manual at the conclusion of Setup. The Quickstart guide contains important information and tips to help get the most out of GIFted. We recommend printing out the Quickstart guide and reviewing before you use GIFted or very soon. It really does contain useful information that might be otherwise overlooked. Also, a thorough and concise set of online Help files provide excellent information on program specifics and step- by-step instructions to help you when you need it most - while you work. You can access online help through the Contents window where the information is organized into books and chapters, or go directly to the Index window to look for specific references and keywords to help you locate the information that you are looking for. REGISTRATION ------------ Microangelo GIFted is not free software. It is released as shareware, which provides the opportunity for the program to be evaluated before it is purchased. We hope that when you try GIFted you will like it so much that you will want to register. By doing so you are voting with your pocketbook for us to continue developing high-quality, Windows shareware. Complete information on how to register GIFted is included in the REGISTER.RTF file. Microangelo GIFted Setup installs a start menu entry titled Microangelo Print Registration Form that allows you to print the form from your Start menu. If you wish to remove the entry and are not familiar with how to do so, instructions are provided to remove the entry in the form itself. Acknowledgements and Sincere Thanks ----------------------------------- Our biggest thanks go to those of you who are our customers - who enjoy and register our software. We work hard to earn your support, and we thank each of you for allowing us to provide you with great software like Microangelo GIFted. One last thought... We'd like to continue to do more - so please, *register* this software if you continue to *use it* past the agreed evaluation period. -------------------------------------------------------- And now, the legalese section... Microangelo(TM) GIFted Copyright (c) 1997 by Leonard A. Gray. All rights reserved. SOFTWARE LICENSE Non-licensed users are granted a limited license to use Microangelo GIFted on a 30-day trial basis for the purpose of determining whether the program is suitable for their needs. The use of the GIFted, except for the initial 30-day trial, requires registration. The use of unlicensed copies of , outside of the initial 30-day trial, by any person, business, corporation, government agency or any other entity is strictly prohibited. A license for personal use may be purchased that grants thea user the right to use GIFted on one or more computers. A commercial license requires sufficient licensing equal to the number of users, or the quantity of workstations that access the software, whichever is smaller. No one may modify or patch the GIFted executable files in any way, including but not limited to decompiling, disassembling, or otherwise reverse engineering the programs. A limited license is granted to copy and distribute GIFted only for the trial use of others, subject to the above limitations, and also the following: 1) Microangelo GIFted and all of its release files must be copied in unmodified form, complete with the file containing this license information. 2) No fee, charge, or other compensation may be requested or accepted, except as authorized below: A) Operators of electronic bulletin board systems (sysops) may make GIFted available for down- loading only as long as the above conditions are met. An overall or time-dependent charge for the use of the bulletin board system is permitted as long as there is not a specific charge for the download of GIFted. B) Vendors of user-supported or shareware software approved by the ASP may distribute Microangelo GIFted, subject to the above conditions, without specific permission. Non-approved vendors may distribute Microangelo GIFted only after obtaining written permission from Impact Software. Such permission is usually granted. Please write for details (enclose your catalog). C) Non-profit user groups may distribute copies of the Microangelo GIFted diskette to their members, subject to the above conditions, without specific permission. Non-profit groups may collect a disk duplication fee not to exceed five dollars. LIMITED WARRANTY Impact Software warrants that all disks provided are free from defects in material and workmanship, assuming normal use, for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase. Impact Software warrants that the program will perform in substantial compliance with the documentation supplied with the software product. If a significant defect in the product is found, the Purchaser may return the product for a refund. In no event will such a refund exceed the purchase price of the product. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED ABOVE, IMPACT SOFTWARE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, THE PURCHASER ASSUMES THE RISK OF PAYING THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION AND ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT WILL IMPACT SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION AND THE LIKE) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR THE INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT EVEN IF IMPACT SOFTWARE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Use of this product for any period of time constitutes your acceptance of this agreement and subjects you to its contents. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013. Contractor/manufacturer is Impact Software P.O. Box 457/ Chino, CA 91708-0457.