V E N D O R & B B S I N F O R M A T I O N -------------------------------------------- This file provides information for Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors, Online Services, Computer Clubs, User Groups, BBS Sysops, Information Services, Consultants, Businesses, Organizations and others who whish to distribute the subject software package. THE "DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS" IN THIS DOCUMENT EXPLAIN HOW THIS SOFTWARE MAY BE DISTRIBUTED, AND WHO MAY DISTRIBUTE IT. PROGRAM: -------- PERIODIC TABLE: Author: SMI Corporation (ASP); Registration $30.00 US VERSION: 3.54 (32-bit) REQUIREMENTS: Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0, 2Mb RAM BBS FILE NAME: PT35432 APPROPRIATE CLASSIFICATIONS: Periodic Table, chemistry, elements, isotopes, decay, radioactivity LONG DESCRIPTION: All 112 chemical elements. Periodic Table is designed for use by individuals ranging from students of chemistry, chemistry hobbyists, industry professionals, and academic researchers as well as instructors of chemistry. Periodic Table provides comprehensive and detailed element information ranging from atomic number to thermal conductivity. Over 30 data points on each element. It also provides information on over 890 isotopes of the 112 elements, including abundance, half-life and decay mode. Periodic Table supports the use of the Windows clipboard to aid in using the information in presentations, school homework, and technical documents. Periodic Table also allows you to print much of its data. You can view the properties of the elements in sorted lists and graph the data. Calculate molecular weights. Take a quiz on the elements. Take a quiz on chemical nomenclature. View bond properties. Plus much more. SHORT DESCRIPTION: 112 Elements 890 isotopes. 500+ radioisotopes with decay trees. Quiz mode. Calculate molecular weights. Compare bond properties. List properties in sorted lists. Graph the properties. Print table, data and decays. Supports clipboard. Has over 30 data items on each element, including abundance, melt/boil point, electronegativity, oxydation states, and more. ONE LINE DESCRIPTION: Periodic table of elements. 32-bit version. SMI Corporation P.O. Box 582221 Tulsa, OK 74158 USA Email: support@smisoftware.com PACKING LIST: ------------- The complete Periodic Table evaluation package should contain the following files. Please ensure that each file is present. If any of these files are missing or changed then the package is not complete and is not suitable for distribution by others. The complete package may be obtained directly from SMI Corporation. File Name: Purpose of File: VENDINFO.DIZ VENDINFO standard data file containing vital information for disk vendors, distributors, BBSs, user groups, computer clubs, etc. FILE_ID.DIZ BBS description file VENDOR.TXT Standard vendor/sysop info file READ_ME.1ST Late breaking information ORDER.TXT Order form file SETUP.EXE Installation program SETUP.ARV Installation archive DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS ------------------------- Individuals who wish to distribute the software to friends or associates may do so in accordance with the requirements outlined in the "License" section of the VENDINFO.DIZ file. Vendors, Distribuors, Computer Clubs, User Groups, BBS Sysops, and persons or organizations charging any kind of fee, wishing to add the software package to their disk library may do so ONLY in accordance with the requirements outlined in VENDINFO.DIZ. If VENDINFO.DIZ is damaged or missing, contact the author. PLEASE HELP US SERVE YOU BETTER: -------------------------------- We would appreciate copies of anything you publish regarding this software. Please send us a copy of any reviews, articles, catalog descriptions, or other information you print or distribute regarding the software package. Thank you for your time and assistance and for supporting the evaluation marketing concept. SMI Corporation P.O. Box 582221 Tulsa, OK 74158 Email: support@smisoftware.com ---END OF VENDOR.DOC--- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | See the VENDINFO.DIZ file for VENDOR and other product information | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+