Periodic Table 3.5x Order Form/Invoice (Sep 97). Please send to: SMI Corporation, P.O. Box 582221, Tulsa, OK 74158 Ordering by check: You can order by sending a check and this order form to the address above. To print this order form, click on Print Topic in the File pull- down menu. Alternately, you can print the ASCII text file ORDER.TXT Credit card ordering: You can order with MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express from SMI Corp. by calling 1-888-SMI-SOFT from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm central time Monday through Friday. You can also mail credit card orders by filling out this order form and mailing it to the above address. Site licenses: Site licenses and volume discounts are available for Periodic Table. Call (918) 241-2301 to find out about the details. Periodic Table 3.5x Single user lic.qty:___ @ $30.00 ea.= _____________ Disk size check one: ___ 5.25 ___ 3.5 You will receive the latest version on disk and a printed manual. Oklahoma residents add 8% sales tax + _____________ Shipping and Handling charge + _______$3.50_ International orders add: ----------------------- $5.00 (outside U.S. or Canada) + _____________ Total payment _____________ Payments must be in US dollars drawn on a US bank or by Credit Card. Prices are subject to change without notice. Name: __________________________________ Date: _________ Company: __________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________ Country: _________ Day Phone: __________________ Evening Phone: ________________ Electronic mail address: ___________________________________________ For Credit Card orders: ___ VISA ___ MasterCard Card Number: ________________________________________ Exp. Date: ________________ Signature: __________________________________________ Comments: