December/1997 Software Agreement AVP 3.0 Beta by Eugene Kaspersky (C) KAMI Corp., Russia, 1992-1997 AVP - Antiviral Toolkit Pro 95/NT READ THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT BEFORE USE. BY YOUR USE OF AVP YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. THIS IS A BETA VERSION OF AVP THAT MAY CONTAIN ERRORS THAT CAUSE DATA LOSS. USE THIS SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. AntiViral Toolkit Pro ("AVP"), and any utilities and accompanying documentation are to be considered as Evaluation releases. You are hereby granted a license by KAMI Corp. to distribute the evaluation copy of AVP and its documentation, subject to the following terms and conditions: The evaluation package of the AVP must be distributed freely without any charge. AVP may not be bundled or included with any hardware or software without the expressed written consent of KAMI Corp. or an authorized distributor. KAMI Corp. hereby grants you, the user of this software a licence to evaluate AVP until May 15 1997. After the evaluation period expires you are required to either register AVP or remove all files belonging to AVP and any utilities and documentation associated with AVP from your computer irrespective of the media or form in which they exist. The distribution archive must be distributed in complete form. The individual files must also be complete and unmodified. The evaluation archive must be without any additional files. ONLY AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS are granted authority to modify or add files to the distribution archive. The documentation and files must be distributed together. Any modifications to the package, including the addition of BBS advertisements is strictly forbidden. The evaluation package of AVP may not be sold or licensed. No fee may be be charged for its use. If a fee is charged in connection with AVP at all, it should only cover the cost of copying or distribution. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should payment of such fees be understood to constitute legal ownership. By granting you the right to distribute the evaluation copy of the AVP, you do not become the owner of these utilities or documentation in any form. KAMI Corp. hereby disclaims all warranties relating to Antiviral Toolkit Pro Lite by Eugene V. Kaspersky (C) KAMI Corp. ("AVP") whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The person, company, institution, or government agency using AVP bears all risk as to the quality and performance of AVP. In no event shall KAMI Corp., any distributor of AVP or anyone else involved in the creation, production, distribution or delivery, of AVP, be liable for any damages of any kind, including without limitation direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, special, or exemplary damages arising out of the use, performance, or delivery of AVP even if KAMI Corp. any distributor, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, distribution or delivery, of AVP has been advised of the existence or possibility of such damages. In no event shall KAMI Corp., any distributor of AVP, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, distribution or delivery of AVP be liable for any claim, whether in contract, tort, or any other theory of liability. In no event shall any theory of liability exceed the license fee paid to KAMI Corp. or any distributor, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, distribution or delivery, of AVP. Using AVP, it's utilities or documentaion means that you agree to these terms and conditions. Any other use, distribution or representation of the AVP is expressly forbidden without the written permission of KAMI Corp. or a authorized distributor. Mass distribution of AVP in magazines or books requires approval from KAMI Corp. or an authorized distributor of AVP. The evaluation version may be made available on FTP and BBS sites. Any distribution of AVP is subject to the following restrictions: We do not want to have AVP distributed together with viruses, virus source code, virus construction programs or virus creation material such as 40Hex, Crypt or the Nuke newsletters. Therefore, 1) AVP may not under any circumstances be made available on a site which makes viruses, virus source code, virus construction programs or virus creation material available. 2) AVP may not be included on a CD-ROM (or any media) containing viruses, virus source code, virus construction programs or virus creation material. 3) AVP may not be distributed as a part of a package containing viruses, virus source code, virus construction programs or virus creation material. We will consider legal action in the case of any violation of these three conditions. REGISTRATION THIS IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE! If you paid a "public domain" vendor for this program, you paid for the service of copying the program, and not for the program itself. Proceeds from such transactions would never reach the makers of this product. You may evaluate this product, but if you decide to make use of it, you must register your copy. To register: View the file "README.TXT" included with this software package and select the distributor in your country. You may have to contact the nearest distributor for up to date pricing on this package. If no distributor is in your country you may contact KAMI Corp. directly. KAMI Corp. and authorized distributors reserve the right to revise the AVP software, utilities and written materials, and to make changes from time to time in the contents without obligation to notify any person. All software, documentation, and utilities are subject to change without notice. COPYRIGHT All AVP programs, utilities and documentation are (C) copyright 1992-1997 KAMI Corp, Russia. All rights reserved. If any diskettes are provided with AVP they are not copy protected. The AVP programs, utilities and documentation are protected by copyright law, which applies to the computer software as well, you may make copies of the software solely for backup or archive purposes and transfer the software to hard disk provided that the software is used as specified herein. If you have any questions concerning the terms and conditions of this license and agreement, or if you desire to contact KAMI Corp., please write: KAMI Ltd. Geroev Panfilovtcev str., 10, 123362, Moscow, Russia, or an authorized distributor. IMPORTANT INFORMATION! ---------------------- If you have any problems with using AVP/AVPLite please contact Kami or the nearest AVP distributor. KAMI Ltd. Geroev Panfilovtcev str., 10, 123363, Moscow, Russia. Phone : +7-095-948-4331, +7-095-948-4330 Fax : +7-095-913-5087 E-mail : BBS (Technical Support) : +7-095-948-6333 NEW VIRUSES: ------------ Send new viruses to your local distributor or to KAMI Ltd. UPDATES: -------- AVP is usually updated on a weekly basis. Check the official AVP Web Sites for more information. AVP distributors and technical support sites AUSTRALIA / NEW ZEALAND / SOUTH PACIFIC REGION: SAS International. P.O. Box 29, Kallangur 4503, Australia contact : Rod Fewster Phone : +61 (0)7 3204 5000 Fax : +61 (0)7 3886 0500 BBS : +61 (0)7 3886 1886 E-Mail : FIDO : 3:640/886 FTP-site : BELGIUM: DataRescue sprl. 110 route du Condroz, 4121 Neupre, Belgium Contact : Dr Pierre Vandevenne Phone : +32-43-729110 Fax : +32-43-729114 BBS : +32-43-720237 E-mail : FIDO : 2:293/2213 WWW : FRANCE, French-speaking countries of Africa: Editions Gerard MANNIG. BP 7, F-76161 DARNETAL CEDEX Contact : Gerard MANNIG Phone : +33 3559-9344 FAX : +33 3560-5011 E-mail : FIDO : 2:322/2.1 "Informatique Development" (ID). Parc aux Vignes, 25 allee des Vendanges, 77183 Croissy-Beaubourg. Contact : Jean-Marc Jacquemin. Tel. : 33 (1) 64 80 04 09, Fax : 33 (1) 64 80 08 90, BBS : 33 (1) 60 17 60 37. E-mail : GERMANY: Howard Fuhs Elektronik, Computer Virus Research Lab Germany. Rheingaustr. 152, 65203 Wiesbaden - Biebrich Phone : +49 611 67713 Fax : +49 611 603789 CompuServe : 100120,503 Internet : FIDO : 2:244/2120.7 BBS : +49 611 1860569 AVP Support Box 28800Bd 8,N,1 America Online : PROKON software - Theo Christoph. Hauptstrasse 42, 07751 Rothenstein - Deutschland Phone : +49 36424-56509 Fax : +49 36424-56511 BBS #1 : +49 36424-56512 (v.32bis/terbo/V.FC/V.34 ) BBS #2 : +49 36424-56513 (v.32bis/terbo/V.FC/V.34 E-mail : (original name) ITALY: Future Time di Paolo Monti Umberto Saba 54/C - 00144, Rome (Italy) Tel/Fax : +39-(0)6-5003161 BBS : +39-(0)6-9367239 (up to 28.800) BBS : +39-(0)6-936612831 (up to 14.400) (BBS note : press J 7 to enter AVP conference) E-mail : FTP : NETHERLANDS HaLenson V.O.F. Swalm 58, 5751 VE, Deurne, Netherlands Phone : +31 493-319704 Fax : +31 493-316942 E-Mail : halenson/ POLAND: VACIMEX Al. St. Zjednoczonych 46/24, 04-036 Warszawa, Poland Contact : Wlodzimierz Lapot Phone/Fax : +48-(0)22 106246 FIDO : 2:480/58.44 E-Mail : BBS : +48-(0)22 6656363 (25+ lines VFC/V.34) or Telnet : telnet WWW : FTP :!avp/ Przedsiebiorstwo handlowe +ARPEX+ ul. 1 Maja 22, 42-140 Panki Phone : + 48 (34) 17-91-18 Fax : + 48 (34) 24-69-63 E-Mail : Contact : Andrzej Pilarz. SPAIN, Spanish-speaking countries: Vicente Coll Navarro c/Pio XII, 6 bajos, 46870 Ontinyent (Valencia) - Espana Contact : Vicente Coll Navarro Phone : +34-6-291-33-48 FAX : +34-6-291-33-48 E-mail : SOUTH AFRICA: Micro Matrix Computers cc. (MMC) The Village, 47 Esselen Sl., Sunnyside, Pretoria, South Africa. Postaddress : P.O. Box 13991, Taudium 0037. Phone : (27-12) 341-7524/5 Fax : (27-12) 341-1748. SWITZERLAND and LIECHTENSTEIN: also serving Denmark, Finland, Norway via the Internet. Metropolitan Network BBS Inc. AVP, Postfach 827, 3000 Bern 8, Switzerland Contact : Gerard VUILLE Phone : +41 31 348-1333 (national: 031 348-1333) Fax : +41 31 348-1335 (national: 031 348-1335) E-mail : Support : Sales : PGP Public Key : BBS #1 & #2 : +41 31 348-1331 (2400-33600bps V.34+/V.FC/HST) WWW #1 : #2 : FTP : [no anonymous logins] TAIWAN: ACCTON Technology Corporation No.1 Creation Rd. III, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel : 886-35-770270 Fax : 886-35-770267 E-mail : Contact : JJ Lu UK: NEST Ltd. 53 Gunhild Way, Cambridge, CB1 4QZ Contact : Vladimir Freidin Phone : +44 (0)1223 565058, +44 (0)1223 500450, Fax : +44 (0)1223 565058 Mobile : +44 (0)370 302644 E-Mail : WWW : (under construction) USA: Central Command Inc. P.O. Box 856 Brunswick, Ohio 44212, USA Contact : Keith A. Peer Phone : (330) 273-2820 Fax : (330) 220-4129 Support : Sales : WWW : We are welcome to contact with other companies and expert groups. New AVP Evaluation Releases / Updates ------------------------------------- Visit the web-site of an *official* AVP Distributor for current updates and product information. WARNING! Do not download AVP from untrusted sources. You might risk getting a version which has been tampered with.