[Pegs v1.0 Documentation] SYSTEM REQUIRMENTS: Programs are provided for both 16 and 32 bit systems. Pegs16.exe requires MS-Windows v3.1 Pegs32.exe requires Win32, Win95, or WinNT Both programs require the Visual Basic Runtime Library, version 4. PROGRAM LICENSE: This program (Pegs) and accompanying files are provided at no charge, and may be used and distributed freely. The author retains the ownership of the program and grants you a license to use the program and distribute it, provided that all accompanying files (pegs16.exe, pegs32.exe, win.wav, lose.wav, vapor.wav, readme.txt, and file_id.diz) are included and unmodified. By using this program you agree not to hold the author liable for any damages that might be incurred, directly or indirectly, as a result of your use of or inability to use this program. No warranty is expressed or implied. Pegs version 1.1, copyright 1996, Clinton T. Graham. HOW TO PLAY: You are presented a series of 15 pegs in the form of a triangle, five to a side. The peg of your choice is removed, and you must then use the remaining pegs to jump over each other, as in checkers, removing the jumped pegs from the board. The object of the game is to have only one peg remaining in the end. It is possible to win from every starting position. THE FILES: pegs16.exe - 16-bit executable. pegs32.exe - 32-bit executable. win.wav - Wave file played (if available) when the game is won. lose.wav - Wave file played (if available) when the game is lost. vapor.wav - Wave file played (if available) when a peg disinigrates. readme.txt - this file. file_id.diz - Description In Zip, for use by BBS's THE AUTHOR: For bugs, comments, questions, donations, etc., as of Feb. 1, 1997 I can be reached via E-mail at: graham@penn.com And via U.S. Mail at: Clinton Graham 2250 Washington St. Huntingdon, PA 16652 [End of Pegs v1.0 program documentation.]