3D WILD DIAMONDS 98 U.K. ORDER FORM Name ________________________ Company ________________________ Address ________________________ City ________________________ Postal Code ________________________ Country ________________________ Phone ________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS ________________________ If you include your email address, we can send you the registration code immediately. DISK SIZE: ( ) 3-1/2" ( ) CD-ROM I AM ORDERING: ( ) 3D WILD DIAMONDS (œ12) ( ) 3D HOTSLOTS (œ12) ( ) 3D STARS & STRIPES (œ12) ( ) ANY TWO ABOVE--mark choices (œ19) ( ) ALL THREE 3D SLOTS GAMES (œ22) INTERNATIONAL ORDERS -------------------- Please add œ2.00 for shipping if you live outside the United Kingdom (no charge for shipping within the U.K.). Amount Enclosed: œ_________ Make your check or money order payable to Gamescape Studios. Mail payment and registration form to: Gamescape Studios, Egloshayle, Wadebridge, Cornwall, United Kingdom, PL27 6AX Payment Method: ___ Check ___ Money Order ___ VISA ___ MasterCard Credit Card Number #_____ - _____ - _____ - _____ expires ____/____ For credit card orders: Call 01208 816323 (UK and Ireland) 1-541-664-1885 (International) 1-541-664-3403 (FAX)