Program Purpose: WinFlash Educator combines the award-winning* capabilities of the WinFlash flashcard-style computer-based learning system with a new test generation, administration and scoring module to produce a full-featured computer-based -training (CBT) system at an affordable price. Educator is ideal for corporate training/certification, academic study/testing and homeschooling applications. Educator's learning system helps the student to quickly master any memory-intensive subject - from simple multiplication tables through languages, science, medical/legal studies or industry certification materials. The built-in editing capability makes it easy to provide study materials, tests and automatically graded results - all from the same base set of source materials - which can include graphic, audio and video content. Installation: Unzip the FLASE_51.ZIP file into a temporary directory and run FLASE_51.EXE. This will guide you through the installation of WinFlash Educator on your system. After installation is complete you may remove the temporary directory but please save a copy of FLASE_51.EXE for friends who might also like to try Educator! WinFlash Educator is a shareware program requiring a $39.95 registration fee for use past the period specified in the license agreement detailed in the on-line help file. Educator is freely distributable as long as the original FLASE_51.EXE installation archive is maintained in its original form. Questions or Problems: Please contact Open Window Software -