helpleft.GIF (53022 bytes) helptop.GIF (18701 bytes)

Network troubleshooting information

  • Other people can’t send me notes over the network
    Check the StickyNote Information dialog. If it says, "Network status: Deaf," you have note acceptance turned off. Go to the "Network" pane of the "Options" dialog, and check the "Accept incoming notes" button. If the Information dialog says, "Network status: Disconnected," StickyNote eotjer could not connect to your network or is simply not connected. By default, StickyNote does not try to connect to your network; you need to tell it to connect. You can accomplish this through the "Options" dialog in the "Network" pane; uncheck the "Force network interface off" button.

    Alternatively, StickyNote may have just failed to connect to your network. This can be one of a number of things. Either you have no network or an invalid network connection, or there is another program using the socket StickyNote needs. The latter problem you can fix by closing other server programs. When you’ve closed your other programs, try restarting StickyNote.
  • StickyNote grabs my modem or freezes my computer
    Because this version of StickyNote uses your computer’s Internet and LAN system functions, it can trigger problems inherent in your system configuration or network system. StickyNote uses a simple sockets mechanism to communicate with itself on other machines; under normal circumstances this will never cause problems. There are, however, computers which cannot handle sockets properly and exhibit nondeterministic behavior resultantly. To fix these and other network problems, go to the Options dialog box, Network pane, and select the "Force network interface off" button. Click "OK" in the Options dialog and follow the instructions which appear. This will turn off all networking features and fix all network-inspired problems. You should never use this feature unless you are experiencing problems with your network. Whenever this feature is selected, all of the StickyNote network functions become unavailable.

    In addition, you may wish to set your protocol to a correct value. If you are not connected to the Internet, but are using an IPX LAN, you should select IPX, close the Options dialog, and restart StickyNote.
  • StickyNote is running and I’m logged on to the Internet, but people can’t send me notes.
    Make sure you have the "Accept incoming notes" option select in the Network pane of the Options dialog. If your network is set up properly, the Information dialog should say "Listening" next to "Network status." Also, if you log on to the Internet while StickyNote is running, it may take up to a minute for the program to autodetect and initialize its server software for your network. To check to see if StickyNote is initialized, check the Information dialog to see if it says, "Listening."

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