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Printing a note or notes

You can print a single note from its context menu. Right-click the note to produce this menu, and go to the "Print" submenu. From here you can choose whether you’d like your notes printed as notes or as text; choose the appropriate item. A dialog box will appear with some print settings, including the default printer and number of copies. When you have set these parameters as you desire, click the "OK" button. Your note will then be printed.

You can also print multiple notes at the same time. From the StickyNote main menu choose the "Print…" item. You can then select whether you would like your hidden notes printed, your shown notes printed or both. You can also specify whether you’d like your notes printed as text or as notes. If you print your notes as notes, StickyNote will try to fit as many notes as possible on each page. If you print your notes as text, each note receives its own page.

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