Opening a URL or file from a noteStickyNote allows you to open a URL or a file directly from a note. If, within your note, you have text which points to a file (e.g., "C:\Program files\StickyNote\Readme.txt") or to a URL (e.g., "") or to an e-mail address (e.g., ""), you can select the text using the mouse and open it using the "Open" command on the note’s context menu. When you execute this command, whatever text you have selected will be interpreted by the Windows shell and passed along to whatever program can properly interpret it. For URLs, your default web browser will be initiated. For other files, the proper executable will be called. And for e-mail addresses, your e-mail program will be started with a new message to the address you selected. You can also easily put text links to files and web pages by dragging them and dropping them on the intended note. When you drop a file onto a note, its path, bracketed with parentheses, will appear at the end of the note. This text can be selected and the file opened as explained above. |