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Closing a note or notes

To close a single note, either press Alt+F4 when the cursor is in the note or right-click the note and choose "Close" from the menu that appears.

If you have the "Ask before closing notes" option on, you will be prompted to confirm your action. If you choose "Yes," your note will be closed.

You can also close more than one note at a time. Right-click the StickyNote tray icon to get the main menu. Then choose "Close…" from the "Stickies" menu. A new dialog will appear from which you can choose which stickies you would like to close—your hidden stickies, shown stickies or both. After setting the options appropriately, click "OK" and your notes will be closed.

You cannot recover notes that have been closed. In this sense, closing a note is like closing a window; it goes away. Analogous to deleting a note. Make sure you don’t close a note you wish to keep.

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