Setting alarms and expiration datesYou can alarm notes and designate them as expiring at certain times. An alarmed note will appear above all other notes when its alarm triggers, will unhide itself if necessary and will recolor its titlebar. An expiring note will simply hide itself. Expired notes can be recovered through the Show dialog, just as any hidden notes. To set a note’s alarm, right-click the note to produce its context menu. Choose "Properties…" from the "Settings" menu, and click the "Alarm" tab. Click the "Use alarm" button to turn the alarm functionality on. Many other fields will now become visible. If you would like your alarm to occur every day, click the "Every day" button. Notice that the "Day" fields become unavailable; they are unnecessary, as your alarm will trigger each day. If you would only like your alarm to trigger on a certain day, enter that day’s data in the appropriate fields. You can also set the hour, the time at which your alarm will trigger. Click the "PM" button for times in the afternoon; leave it unchecked for morning times. Remember than noon is considered as PM. If you would like your alarm to trigger later than the time as well (say, if your computer is off at the alarm time but you turn it on later), click the "and later" button. You can also have your computer play a sound when the alarm triggers. This will, of course, only work on computers with sound cards. Click the "Play" button in the Sound box, and choose the sound you would like to hear. Setting the expiration date and time is much the same. Enter the data in the appropriate fields of the Expiration tab. |