Advanced optionsFrom the StickyNote Options dialog, "Advanced" tab you can change many of the behaviors of StickyNote. First is the "Data storage" box. From here you can specify whether you would like StickyNote to automatically save its settings in a file (the default: "File system") or in the system registry. The file system is safer; if your computer crashes before you exit Windows safely the file will still exist whereas the registry key might be corrupted. However, if your file system is not stable (e.g. if younger users of your computer tend to delete files you need) you might want to consider setting this to "Registry." Second is the "Import" box. You can have StickyNote add notes to the existing ones when importing a file with one or more notes in it, or delete all your current notes and simply add the ones from the file. The default for this is "Add notes." If you wish to overwrite notes, you can have StickyNote prompt you before this is done by selecting the "Ask before overwrite" box. Further, you can have StickyNote prompt you before notes are closed using the "Ask before closing notes" check box. This is on by default. The darkness of notes’ titlebars can be changed using the appropriate slider. You must have a display with more than 256 colors for this change to become evident, however. You can also toggle notes’ borders using the "Show borders" check box. Finally, you can turn on or off user name detection and multiple monitor support. User name detection will allow multiple users of the same computer to keep their StickyNote settings separate, automatically. However, if you're the only person using your computer, you should probably keep this setting off- it may cause StickyNote confusion if you log on and off the Internet irregularly. This setting is generally intended for Windows NT network use only. Multiple monitor support will turn off certain bound-checking heuristics StickyNote uses to make sure all your notes are on the main screen. You should keep this setting off unless you're using more than one monitor. |