1 Installation 2 Registration Diskette 3 Please run the product disk installation 4 There is insufficient memory to run the Install. Please close one or more applications and run Install again. 5 Not enough memory to complete the installation. Please close one or more applications and run Install again. 6 Installation Complete! 7 Install Interrupted! 8 Are you sure you want to exit the Installation? 9 Are you sure you want to exit %s Installation? 10 Install is unable to create the sub-directory '%'.\nPlease choose a different directory, or check your hard disk for available space. 11 Install is unable to create the parent directory '%'.\nPlease choose a different directory, or check your hard disk for available space. 12 Please enter a valid directory name, with drive letter and full path. Example: C:\CA 13 An error occurred while copying file %. The file may be in use, you may be out of hard disk space, or you may not have write access. 14 The application program you selected is bad. Please correct it then run install again. 15 Install: File % missing. 16 Size of installation files exceed the available disk space. Continue ? 17 To install %s, enter a new path below or click Continue to install into the default directory. 19 Cannot write to your registration file. Ensure that the write-protect switch (or tab) is OFF. 20 Subdirectory '%' must have read and write access. 21 File '%' must have read and write access. 22 %s Installation 23 Bad ISC File 24 Bad KEY File 25 '%' not found. 26 Ensure that the write-protect switch (or tab) is OFF. 27 Error writing to .INI file. 28 Please verify that the %s is in drive %c. Click OK to continue, or Cancel to change disk location. 29 Error ! 30 Warning ! 31 CA-Multiple Products 32 Version 4.10 33 Copyright 1990-1996 Computer Associates Intl. All rights reserved. 34 108510 35 Not for Resale - For Demonstration Purposes Only 36 For Educational Use Only 37 Do you want to create a permanent install directory on your hard disk? 38 To create a permanent install directory for %s, enter a new path below or click Continue to install into the default directory. 39 Copied %s to %s. 40 Decompressed and copied %s to %s. 41 Created directory %s. 42 ***** Log file of %d-%d-%d %d:%d ***** 43 Installed %s to %s. 44 Install Program Auto Execute 45 Create Workplace Objects? 46 Install Objects 47 No parent directory specified in ISC file. 48 Cannot change to drive %. 49 Cannot change directory to %. 50 Cannot set environment strings. 51 Cannot run program : %. 52 This is the recommended method for installation. Everything necessary will be installed. 53 This method is for experienced users. You can use this method to set up the application to suit your preference. 54 Size of installation files (%ldK) exceed the available disk space (%ldK). Continue ? 55 All Basic Components Installed 56 Unicenter Install Help 57 Install files for %s into the following directory, which it will create on your hard disk. 58 If you want to install the files into a different directory and/or drive, type the name of the directory in the space below. Click Continue to begin the installation. 59 Please enter a new path below or click Continue to create a directory to put common CA tools. 60 Can't write data to file %s. 61 Can't open initialization file %s. 62 Create Workplace Objects for %s? 63 Error copying file. 64 The file %s is in use or is read-only. Copy file anyway ? 65 %s is not installed. Continue with installation of next product ? 66 Installation is finished but it may not be complete. Reinstallation may be required on a later date. 67 Cannot open file: %s. 68 A bad parameter was passed to the installer. Stop installation? 69 CA-Install 4.10 for 32-Bit Windows 70 Installer could not set up a license. The product may not run. 71 Information 72 A hardware plug is required to install and run the product. If you have not already done so please make sure that a hardware plug is present on the parallel port. 73 Error occurred while decompressing file. 74 Time Stamp: %s %s 75 Version Stamp: %u.%u.%u.%u 76 Software\ComputerAssociates 77 Environment 78 Software 79 Software\Classes 80 This product requires Windows 3.1 or greater to install and run. 81 This product requires Win32s. Do you want to install Win32s now? 82 Upgrade Windows 83 Win32s Installation Disk 1 84 \Start Menu\Programs 85 EVAL 86 Installation is completed but the program may not run properly since you skipped copying some files. Reinstallation may be required on a later date. 3000 You have to type in your name to continue. 3001 No memory. Please terminate some of your application programs and run install again. 3002 System Error: Bad Signature Command in ISC file. 3003 Internal Error. 3004 Cannot open file: %. 3005 Installation of this product could not complete because prerequisite products are not installed. 3006 The application program that you have selected could not be found. Make sure that you have the correct version and have provided the directory where your application resides. 3007 Cannot allocate memory for decompression. 3008 File corrupted, failed to decompress. 3009 Please enter product ID into both fields. 3010 The product ID you entered is invalid. 3011 Cannot open response file. 3012 Error reading the response file. 3013 Cannot open log file. 3014 Cannot open product log file. 3015 Cannot load Exit List processor. 3016 Initialization failed. 3017 Failed to create main window. 3018 Error reading or interpreting the script file. 3019 New group in old group. Line % in [files] section. 3020 File count mismatch. Line % in [files] section. 3021 Files need 'R', 'D' or 'T' flag. Line % in [files] section. 3022 Installation program can't communicate with Program Manager. No program group is created. You should create it manually. 3023 Script Error - Improper Version Flags. 3024 Script Error - No Opcode in Version Checking. 3025 Script Error - Bad Opcode in Version Checking. 3026 Script Error - No Operand in Version Checking. 3027 Script Error - Bad Operand in Version Checking. 3028 Unable to upgrade. Verify that you are installing the same product that exists in your target directory. 3029 Cannot open log file. 3030 Error in the script. Source file name is required. 3031 CRC validation failed while decompressing %s. Please select retry to try again, ignore to go to next file or abort to stop installation. 3032 Unable to upgrade an Evaluation product. 3033 Unable to load CAIN4SHL.DLL. Desktop objects and icons mayu not be set up. 4000 Install is unable to read file from your disk. Please correct the problem and press RETRY to resume or CANCEL to abort.