November 1998 NINO CONTACTS Order Form One Licence Fee : 89 US$ You can register this programs with REGSOFT or REGNET systems. ************** REGSOFT********************* NINO Contacts can be registered through RegSoft - a Registration Network for shareware authors. RegSoft (in USA) can be reached on the World Wide Web at the following URL: or by calling the TOLL FREE number for Fax and Voice Orders, 1-888-REG-IT-80, #extention 4042 (International users please call + 1 770-497-9126, #extention 4042) VISA, American Express, Mastercard accepted =====RegSoft program code for NINO CONTACTS: 4042===== You may also send your check to: RegSoft.COM 6595-G Roswell Rd Suite 732 Atlanta, GA 30328 USA Please indicate: NINO CONTACTS, registration code 4042 ******************************************************************** ************** REGNET*********************************************** This program can be registered through RegNet - The Registration Network. RegNet 24303 Walnut Street, Suite 200 Newhall, CA 91321-2900 U.S.A. RegNet can be reached on the World Wide Web at the following URL: or by calling: 1 800 WWW2REG (1 800 999-2734) #extention 1389 or (805) 288-1827, #extention 1389. (USA) VISA, American Express, Mastercard accepted. ====RegNet program code for NINO CONTACTS: 1389==== ********************************************** You find other payment information on our Web Site: