object ThumbForm: TThumbForm Left = 115 Top = 70 BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = 'Image pre-viewer' ClientHeight = 453 ClientWidth = 632 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] Position = poScreenCenter Scaled = False OnActivate = FormActivate OnClose = FormClose PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 14 object Gauge1: TGauge Left = 65 Top = 437 Width = 97 Height = 8 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -9 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] BorderStyle = bsNone ForeColor = clNavy BackColor = clBtnFace ParentFont = False Progress = 0 end object Label2: TLabel Left = 64 Top = 422 Width = 112 Height = 14 Alignment = taCenter AutoSize = False Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -9 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object Image1: TImage Left = 202 Top = 411 Width = 49 Height = 37 Center = True Picture.Data = {} Visible = False OnDragDrop = Image1DragDrop OnDragOver = Image1DragOver end object LMDTeethShapeLabel1: TLMDTeethShapeLabel Left = 560 Top = 0 Width = 72 Height = 453 Align = alRight Caption.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Caption.Font.Color = clWindowText Caption.Font.Height = -11 Caption.Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Caption.Font.Style = [] ShapeFill.Style = sfGradient ShapeFill.Gradient.ColorCount = 236 Teeth.Direction = tdLeft Teeth.Height = 22 end object Thumbs: TStringGrid Left = 224 Top = 9 Width = 329 Height = 330 ColCount = 4 Ctl3D = True DefaultColWidth = 75 DefaultRowHeight = 60 FixedCols = 0 RowCount = 10 FixedRows = 0 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -9 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] GridLineWidth = 2 Options = [goVertLine, goHorzLine] ParentColor = True ParentCtl3D = False ParentFont = False ScrollBars = ssVertical TabOrder = 0 OnClick = ThumbsClick OnDblClick = ThumbsDblClick OnDragDrop = ThumbsDragDrop OnDragOver = ThumbsDragOver OnDrawCell = ThumbsDrawCell OnKeyDown = ThumbsKeyDown OnMouseDown = ThumbsMouseDown OnMouseMove = ThumbsMouseMove end object ComboBox1: TComboBox Left = 40 Top = 11 Width = 169 Height = 22 Color = clWhite DropDownCount = 15 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBtnText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ItemHeight = 14 Items.Strings = ( '*.JPG;*.GIF;*.PCX;*.BMP;*.PNG;*.TIF;*.WMF;*.ICO' '*.JPG' '*.GIF' '*.PCX' '*.BMP' '*.PNG' '*.TIF' '*.WMF' '*.ICO') ParentFont = False TabOrder = 1 OnChange = ComboBox1Change OnClick = ComboBox1Click end object PMultiImage2: TPMultiImage Left = 65 Top = 345 Width = 75 Height = 60 Color = clBtnFace ImageName = 'file not found' ImageDither = True ImageReadRes = lAutoMatic ImageWriteRes = sAutoMatic TifSaveCompress = sNONE JPegSaveQuality = 50 JPegSaveSmooth = 0 TextLeft = 0 TextTop = 0 TextRotate = 0 TabOrder = 3 TabStop = False Visible = False end object GroupBox2: TGroupBox Left = 333 Top = 349 Width = 102 Height = 103 Hint = 'Resolution of the previews' Caption = 'Resolution' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 4 object SaveRes24: TRadioButton Left = 2 Top = 61 Width = 96 Height = 17 Caption = 'True color' Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -9 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 0 OnClick = Saveresclick end object SaveRes8: TRadioButton Left = 2 Top = 37 Width = 96 Height = 17 Caption = '256 colors' Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -9 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 1 OnClick = Saveresclick end object SaveRes4System: TRadioButton Left = 2 Top = 15 Width = 98 Height = 17 Caption = '16 system colors' Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -9 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 2 OnClick = Saveresclick end object SaveResAuto: TRadioButton Left = 2 Top = 83 Width = 95 Height = 17 Caption = 'Automatic' Checked = True Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -9 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 3 TabStop = True OnClick = Saveresclick end end object PMultiImage1: TPMultiImage Left = 65 Top = 345 Width = 75 Height = 60 Center = True Color = clBtnFace ImageName = 'file not found' ImageDither = True ImageReadRes = lAutoMatic ImageWriteRes = sAutoMatic TifSaveCompress = sNONE JPegSaveQuality = 100 JPegSaveSmooth = 0 StretchRatio = True TextLeft = 0 TextTop = 0 TextRotate = 0 TabOrder = 2 TabStop = False end object GroupBox1: TGroupBox Left = 452 Top = 352 Width = 104 Height = 56 Caption = 'Optimize previews' Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 5 object RSpeed: TRadioButton Left = 2 Top = 15 Width = 95 Height = 17 Caption = 'for speed' Checked = True Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -9 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 0 TabStop = True OnClick = RSpeedClick end object RSize: TRadioButton Left = 2 Top = 36 Width = 95 Height = 17 Caption = 'for size' Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -9 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 1 OnClick = RSpeedClick end end object Panel2: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 36 Height = 453 Align = alLeft BevelInner = bvLowered TabOrder = 6 object LoadBtn: TSpeedButton Left = 3 Top = 2 Width = 30 Height = 27 Hint = 'Load all existing thumbs' Flat = True Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -9 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] Glyph.Data = {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} Layout = blGlyphTop ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = LoadBtnClick end object CreateNewKeep: TSpeedButton Left = 3 Top = 27 Width = 30 Height = 27 Hint = 'Create new previews keep old ones' Flat = True Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -9 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] Glyph.Data = {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} Layout = blGlyphTop ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = CreateNewKeepClick end object DeleteAllBtn: TSpeedButton Left = 3 Top = 77 Width = 30 Height = 27 Hint = 'Delete all previews' Flat = True Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -9 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] Glyph.Data = { 42010000424D4201000000000000760000002800000011000000110000000100 040000000000CC00000000000000000000001000000010000000000000000000 80000080000000808000800000008000800080800000C0C0C000808080000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00777777777777 777770000000777777777777777770000000777777777777770F700000007777 0F777777777770000000777000F7777770F770000000777000F777770F777000 00007777000F77700F777000000077777000F700F7777000000077777700000F 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888888888F3F38880000444444088888FFF4444D0000DDDDD450888F3FF4DDDD 0000DDDDD45508FFFFF4DDDD0000DDDDD45550FFFFF4DDDD0000DDD0045550FF FFF4DDDD0000DDD0A05550FFFFF4DDDD00000000EA0550FFFEF4DDDD00000EAE AEA050FFFFF4DDDD00000AEAEAEA00FEFEF4DDDD00000EAEAEA050FFFFF4DDDD 00000000EA0550FEFEF4DDDD0000DDD0A05550EFEFE4DDDD0000DDD0045550FE FEF4DDDD0000DDDDD45550EFEFE4DDDD0000DDDDD44444444444DDDD0000DDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD0000} Layout = blGlyphTop ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = CloseBtnClick end object CreateNewDelete: TSpeedButton Left = 3 Top = 52 Width = 30 Height = 27 Hint = 'Create new previews keep old ones' Flat = True Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -9 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] Glyph.Data = {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} Layout = blGlyphTop ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = CreateNewDeleteClick end object SpeedButton1: TSpeedButton Left = 3 Top = 152 Width = 30 Height = 27 Hint = 'Create HTML' Flat = True Glyph.Data = { 76010000424D7601000000000000760000002800000020000000100000000100 0400000000000001000000000000000000001000000010000000000000000000 800000800000008080008000000080008000808000007F7F7F00BFBFBF000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00333333000000 000033333377777777773333330FFFFFFFF03FF3FF7FF33F3FF700300000FF0F 00F077F777773F737737E00BFBFB0FFFFFF07773333F7F3333F7E0BFBF000FFF F0F077F3337773F3F737E0FBFBFBF0F00FF077F3333FF7F77F37E0BFBF00000B 0FF077F3337777737337E0FBFBFBFBF0FFF077F33FFFFFF73337E0BF0000000F FFF077FF777777733FF7000BFB00B0FF00F07773FF77373377373330000B0FFF FFF03337777373333FF7333330B0FFFF00003333373733FF777733330B0FF00F 0FF03333737F37737F373330B00FFFFF0F033337F77F33337F733309030FFFFF 00333377737FFFFF773333303300000003333337337777777333} NumGlyphs = 2 ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = SpeedButton1Click end end object AutoLoad: TCheckBox Left = 452 Top = 412 Width = 109 Height = 17 Hint = 'Autoload Previews' Caption = 'Autoload' Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 7 OnClick = AutoLoadClick end object GPall: TCheckBox Left = 452 Top = 426 Width = 96 Height = 17 Hint = 'In 256 color mode use a shared palette' Caption = 'Use best palette' Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 8 OnClick = GPallClick end object FileListBox1: TRzFileListBox Left = 40 Top = 40 Width = 169 Height = 297 Hint = 'Drag Image on the grid to create thumbnail' ItemHeight = 18 Mask = '*.JPG;*.GIF;*.PCX;*.BMP;*.PNG;*.TIF;*.WMF;*.ICO' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 9 OnChange = FileListBox1Change OnClick = FileListBox1Click OnDblClick = FileListBox1DblClick OnKeyDown = FileListBox1KeyDown OnMouseDown = FileListBox1MouseDown end object DirectoryListBox1: TRzDirectoryListBox Left = 168 Top = 360 Width = 41 Height = 41 ItemHeight = 17 TabOrder = 10 Visible = False OnChange = DirectoryListBox1Change OnClick = DirectoryListBox1Click end object DriveComboBox1: TRzDriveComboBox Left = 168 Top = 356 Width = 41 Height = 23 TabOrder = 11 Visible = False OnChange = DriveComboBox1Change OnClick = DriveComboBox1Click end object MultiLang1: TMultiLang Languages = 2 Words.Strings = ( '%Form%' 'Image pre-viewer' '' 'Label2' '' '' 'ComboBox1' '*.JPG;*.GIF;*.PCX;*.BMP;*.PNG;*.TIF;*.WMF;*.ICO' '*.JPG;*.GIF;*.PCX;*.BMP;*.PNG;*.TIF;*.WMF;*.ICO' '"' '*.JPG' '*.JPG' '"' '*.GIF' '*.GIF' '"' '*.PCX' '*.PCX' '"' '*.BMP' '*.BMP' '"' '*.PNG' '*.PNG' '"' '*.TIF' '*.TIF' '"' '*.WMF' '*.WMF' '"' '*.ICO' '*.ICO' 'PMultiImage2' '' '' 'GroupBox2' 'Resolution' 'Risoluzione' '".Hint' 'Resolution of the previews' 'Risoluzione anteprima ' 'SaveRes24' 'True color' 'True color' 'SaveRes8' '256 colors' '256 colori' 'SaveRes4System' '16 system colors' '16 colori' 'SaveResAuto' 'Automatic' 'Automatico' 'PMultiImage1' '' '' 'GroupBox1' 'Optimize previews' 'Ottimizza ' 'RSpeed' 'for speed' 'per velocit�' 'RSize' 'for size' 'per dimensioni' 'Panel2' '' '' 'LoadBtn' '' '' '".Hint' 'Load all existing thumbs' 'Carica le anterime esistenti' 'CreateNewKeep' '' '' '".Hint' 'Create new previews keep old ones' 'Crea nuove anteprime cancellando le vecchie' 'DeleteAllBtn' '' '' '".Hint' 'Delete all previews' 'Elimina tutte le anteprime' 'ClearAllBtn' '' '' '".Hint' 'Clear preview window' 'Pulisci la finestra di anteprima' 'Stopbtn' '' '' '".Hint' 'Stop' 'Stop' 'CloseBtn' '' '' '".Hint' 'Close' 'Chiudi' 'CreateNewDelete' '' '' '".Hint' 'Create new previews keep old ones' 'Crea nuove anteprime cancellando le vecchie' 'AutoLoad' 'Autoload' 'Autocaricamento' '".Hint' 'Autoload Previews' 'Autocaricamento anterpime' 'GPall' 'Use best palette' 'Migliore palette' '".Hint' 'In 256 color mode use a shared palette' 'A 256 colori usa la palette condivisa' 'FileListBox1' '' '' '".Hint' 'Drag Image on the grid to create thumbnail' 'Reascina un'#39'immagine sulla griglia per creare l'#39'anteprima') Left = 96 Top = 416 end object SaveDialog: TSaveDialog DefaultExt = '*.htm' Filter = 'HTML File|*.htm' Left = 160 Top = 424 end object lmdf: TLMDFile Left = 128 Top = 424 end end