Testing for MTU on a Good Line (1)
If you know what MTU your ISP uses follow these steps:
- Select your Dial-Up adapter from the dropdown box.
- If you are not connected to a TCP LAN check the RWIN box (if it isn't already checked).
- Press "Optimum Settings".
- Press "Change MTU" or
right click and select it from the menu
- Enter your ISP's MTU in the dialog box and click OK.
- Press "Update Registry".
- Close MTUSpeed and reboot your computer..
If you do not know what MTU your ISP uses you can discover it as follows:
- Run MTUSpeed.
- If you get a dialogue box telling you that the required keys do not exist
then go here
- If you do not get the dialogue box (i.e., there are MTU settings in your
registry) press "Remove Settings" then "Update Registry". You will
then see the dialogue mentioned above.
- Close MTUSpeed, reboot your computer, run MTUSpeed and follow the
instructions on the next page

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