HALF-BAKED SOFTWARE'S JBC: Readme.txt file CONTENTS 1. What is JBC? 2. Freeware Distribution 3. LIMITED WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY 4. Registration 5. Installation 6. Getting Started 7. Distributing JBC 8. Who is Half-Baked Software? 1. What is JBC? JBC is a program for authoring interactive multiple-choice quizzes for use on the World Wide Web. A teacher can author exercises which students can then access through the Web, using a standard Web browser. The quizzes are created using HTML and Javascript, but the user does not need any knowledge of these languages to create them. Quizzes may also be saved in the program's native "JBC" format, then reloaded later for editing. JBC will is a Windows 95 program. 2. Freeware Distribution JBC is distributed as freeware. You may install it on any machine and use it at no charge. If you use the program to author quizzes, please do not delete the link to the program's homepage at the bottom of the quiz pages, so that others may be able to find the program and download it if they wish. Copyright laws apply to both commercial and freeware software, and the copyright holder retains all rights. You may distribute JBC to other users free of charge, PROVIDING THAT YOU PASS ON THE PROGRAM IN ITS ORIGINAL ARCHIVE FORM, AND DO NOT ADD OR REMOVE ANY FILES FROM THE ARCHIVE. 3. LIMITED WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY THIS SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING WRITTEN MATERIALS (INCLUDING INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE) ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. FURTHER, THE AUTHOR DOES NOT WARRANT, GUARANTEE, OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE, OR THE RESULTS OF USE, OF THE SOFTWARE OR WRITTEN MATERIALS IN TERMS OF CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, CURRENTNESS, OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IF THE SOFTWARE OR WRITTEN MATERIALS ARE DEFECTIVE YOU, AND NOT THE PROGRAM'S AUTHOR OR ITS DISTRIBUTORS, ARE LIABLE FOR ANY COSTS INCURRED. BY USING THE FREEWARE VERSION OF JBC YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, UNDERSTAND IT, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. This Limited Warranty shall operate in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom. 4. Registration There is no need to register JBC, but if you would like to let the author know that you are using the program and pass on any comments you have, please send e-mail to Martin Holmes at 76717.2477@compuserve.com. 5. Installation JBC is distributed as a self-extracting zip file (jbc10.exe) or as a simple zip file (jbc10.zip). Simply copy the file into an empty directory and run the exe file or unzip the zip file. The setup files will be extracted. Then run "setup.exe" to install the program. All files are installed to the program directory. You can safely uninstall the program by using the "Remove Programs" utility in the Windows 95 Control Panel. 6. Getting Started JBC comes with full context-sensitive help and a tutorial to get you started. You can run the tutorial at any time by choosing "Tutorial" from the Help menu. 7. Distributing JBC You are encouraged to pass a copy of the freeware version of JBC to your friends or colleagues, providing that you comply with the conditions stated under FREEWARE DISTRIBUTION above. 8. Who is Half-Baked Software? Martin Holmes, Stewart Arneil and Hilary Street all work in the R & D section of the University of Victoria Language Centre, BC, Canada. Martin and Stewart worked on the basic ideas for this program, and Martin wrote the Win95 code using Delphi 2.0. Hilary provided the graphics. The following people provided helpful suggestions and supplied configuration files in other languages during the beta- testing period: Gerry Luton, Eric Gunnarsen, Nik Holmes, E. Marshall Wick, Matti Karjalainen, Peter Gölz, Eifion Pritchard.