Remaining time for this quiz:

A Quiz Created with JBC

This is a typical JBC quiz. Here in the left window, there is a reading text. The reading text may be entered directly into the JBC program by choosing File/Add Reading Text, or it may be an external HTML file that you created in some other way (you can import a file from the Export to Web screen). Alternatively, you may choose not to include a reading text at all.

This reading text also has a timer running at the top. This is also optional. When the full time has elapsed, the reading text will disappear (although the user will be able to get it back by pressing the "Back" button in the browser). If you do include a timer, you can choose the number of minutes before the text disappears.

On the right of the screen, there are two frames. The top frame is the Welcome/Help frame. This frame is used to display three different types of information:

1. The initial "Welcome" message that the user sees when he or she first loads your quiz
2. The "Help" file, which is shown when the user presses the "Help" button
3. The feedback the user will see after selecting answers

The bottom frame on the right contains the questions themselves. A JBC quiz can include up to 25 questions. Each question can have up to four answers, so you can include both True/False questions and multiple-choice items. The user clicks on the letter of the answer he or she thinks is correct, and a response is shown in the top window. If the answer was wrong, the user can try again; if it was right, then the answers to that question will be disabled so that the user cannot repeatedly select the same correct answer to increase the score. After each correct response, a score is shown, as well as a list of the unanswered questions. When the user has answered all the questions correctly, a message is displayed to show that the quiz is finished. Note that you can include more than one correct answer.

If no reading text is included, then the two frames on the right will expand to fill the whole screen of the browser.

At the bottom of both the reading text and the question page, a special "Back" button is included. This takes the user back to the page which was shown before the quiz was loaded. The "Back" button on the browser toolbar usually operates on the contents of the active frame only.

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Created with Half-Baked Software's JBC