Welcome to the FASTEST way to email files: Drag 'n Mail 1.0 From... No Need to Refrigerate Software. HOW IT WORKS: As an extension of your desktop: Drag 'n Mail extends the WIN'95 drag n'drop desktop functions right into the email realm to give you instant quick file transfer and quick "post-it" like note capability...whenever you are connected to your network or dialup email system. Dn'M works by maintaining a list of email addresses in a desktop out box. When you want to mail files to some folks or pop them a quick note, you simply drag the files to the Dn'M outbox. The files are then mailed to the people selected in the list. For quick notes with or without files, you are presented with a small edit window. There are three major ways to use Drag 'n Mail: 1. As an open "out box" to drag/mail to. 2. As a closed "SHORTCUT" on your desktop to drag/mail to. 3. From the COMMAND LINE: "dragnmail someone@cool.net c:\somefile.txt" (these will be discussed in detail later) UNINSTALL: Simply delete the directory you unzipped it to! FUTURE ADDITIONS (free upgrades through 2.0 with reg.): + Faster MIME encoding + File mask support from command line + Name fields for addresses FUNCTIONALITY: The main box is the "address list". This contains either email addresses of the form "someone@somewhere.com" or lists of addresses of that form referenced as "c:\somedir\somefile.txt". "RightClick" on the address list to show all the options available: Edit, Add, Delete, Mail to...etc. Normally you drag your files to this list after selecting the target addresses. ADDING A NAME TO AN ADDRESS: Specify the name of the person after a pipe symbol: "jdoe@somedomain.com|John Doe" If no pipe is present, then no name is used. SELECTING ADDRESSES TO MAIL TO: There are a couple ways to do this: + Click and drag + Ctrl+Click to select an additional address or addresses + Shift+Click to select a range of addresses EMAIL LISTS: When you press "Add Email List" you can select a text file list of email addresses to use as a choice for group mailing. The first address in the list is the recipient, the rest are either Carbon Copied (CC) to or Blind Carbon Copied (BCC) to, your choice in setup. This list must be a plain ASCII text file with one address per line. It is listed in the "address list" as a direct path to a file. SETUP FUNCTIONS EXPLAINED: SMTP Server: This is the mail server you want to send messages. Commonly your internet service provider will supply this. For me, "schonfal@engr.orst.edu", "engr.orst.edu" is the SMTP server I use. The "Port" is generally always 25. From email: This is your email address. "someone@somewhere.com" for example. From name: This is your name. Log file name: This is an optional log file for storing transfer records. Encoding: You should generally just stick with MIME. All major mail programs support it. Character set: The default is what you should normally use. Time-out: The number of seconds to wait before giving up on the mail server. Use domain address: This determines whether or not an identification notice is sent to the server. Most of the time you should check this box. Use blind carbon copy: When sending to multiple addresses, the individual will not see everyone else sent to. Show results of transfer: Pops up a box after success or failure of transfer. Send one file per message: Some mail servers won't allow huge attachments, so this lets you send one file per message. Standard message text: Select "Prompt" to open a quick note window when you want to send a new short e-note by itself or along with a file you are transferring. If you don't want to write a message each time you use Drag n' Mail, you can just select "Use file for text" and leave the field blank. Entering a file name will insert your default message text file. Commonly a signature text file is used here. Standard message subject: Select a default subject if you choose not to enter a new one with each transfer. Choosing "Prompt" opens the subject field for a new entry when you execute D n' M. This only occurs before the message(s) are sent. "Use text" allows standard text for every subject. For example, "Some more great files from Your Name." RightClick on the list of addresses for more options. COMMAND-LINE MAILER: Drag 'n Mail is also parameter driven. That means you can "pass" it parameters to make it do things. You have probably used parameters with the "edit" command. For example: "edit readme.txt" the file name "readme.txt" is a parameter passed to "edit". Drag 'n Mail accepts two kinds of parameters, FILES and EMAIL addresses. You MUST pass it at least one email address. But you can pass as many addresses or files as you like. For example: "dragnmail fred@super.net jon@cool.com somefile.zip" An email address must have an "@". Also the files must exist or they will be ignored. If no email address is specified you will be prompted. HOW IT WORKS WITH WIN95: There are 2 main uses: 1. As a target for dragging files on your desktop. a. Simply run the program and drag files to the open window. b. Or make a shortcut on your desktop which will run "dragmail.exe". (useful in low memory situations) 2. As a simple command line mailer (put it in your "\windows\" directory or the PATH in your "autoexec.bat" file). DRAG 'n MAIL IN YOUR STARTUP FOLDER: Create a shortcut to the "dragmail.exe" file in your StartUp folder to load the window every time you restart. This folder is usually located: MyComputer\c:\windows\Start Menu\StartUp To add a shortcut: 1. RightClick on the "Start" Bar (blank area) 2. Select "Properties" 3. Select the "Start Menu Programs" tab 4. Click "Add..." 5. "Browse" to the "dragmail.exe" file 6. Click "Next" 7. Select the "StartUp" group 8. Click "Next" and "Finish" REGISTERING Drag 'n Mail: Run the program to see registration info. Then enjoy the speed of the fastest email and file transfer tool around! See the web page below for secure credit card and on-line ordering. Check out my page at for other fun apps: http://www.engr.orst.edu/~schonfal/ If there is a major bug, email me. Thanks, Alex. schonfal@engr.orst.edu (c) 1997 Alexander Schonfeld, All rights reserved.