"MAKING LOVE WORK" VERSION 2.0 -------------------------- Someone much wiser than myself once said, "That to make a relationship work, it takes two mature people working hard at it twenty-four hours a day!" After reading many books on relationships, and talking to two-hundred people about their success and failures in their own relationships, I have to agree with that statement. In today’s fast-paced world, how can a couple keep that "spark" alive that was burning out of control at the genesis of their relationship? I asked that question to an eighty-year old couple that I knew well. They said "not only had they kept the spark alive, but for the past sixty years the flames grew hotter and hotter!" They told me, "Daily Romance was the key to keeping the riches of LOVE alive!" "Making Love Work" was inspired by that beloved couple and created for all of us whose "spark" has dimmed a little. I hope "Making Love Work" ignites that "spark" in you, and that the flames will burn softly in your hearts forever. INSTRUCTIONS: ------------- To begin "Making Love Work," find a comfortable position, turn off the phone and the TV set. Dim the lights. Decide who will go first. Click the "Shuffle Cards" button. Click on the card pile (the card pile is the blue card with the heart and wing's emblem) to reveal the first card. A card will appear on the screen. The first player reads and follows the instructions on the card. When the "task" has been completed, the second player clicks on the card pile, then reads and follows the instructions on the card. Each person takes turns until all of the "tasks" have been completed. I caution you, however, many couples have told me that "Making Love Work" worked so well for them, they were too caught-up in intense passion to finish the game! TIMER: ------ Several playing cards indicate a specified amount of time to perform the task. (But, take as long as you want!) When these cards are drawn, a timer will automatically appear on the screen. To start the timer, click on the "Start Timer" button. When the time has ended, the timer will beep softly, and flash red. (The timer will disappear when you click on the next card.) SUGGESTION CARDS: ----------------- "Suggestion Cards" are included as an aid in keeping the "spark" glowing daily! To view the "Suggestion Cards" click on "Suggestion Cards" in the menu bar. The Suggestion Cards window will appear. Click on the "Shuffle Cards" button to shuffle the cards. Click on the card pile to view the card. Continue clicking on the card pile to view more cards. When you have finished viewing the cards, click on the "Back" button to return you to the main screen.