Future Features

This program is not finished. Surely there are other formulæ out there that are hard enough to calculate that most people don't even bother. If I give f/Calc the ability to calculate these, more people will experiment with these formulæ, and so will learn more about the photographic process.

So, what do you think f/Calc should be able to calculate? Naturally, I am not interested in a major departure from the program's current "feel". For example, a "development timer" tab would not be appropriate at all. Some ideas that would work are:

I also have plans for general improvements to the program, some of which may go into a "pro" shareware version:

I need feedback, further ideas, and a feel for whether such a "pro" version would be helpful. The effort of implementing the graphing module alone might well take this program out of the freeware arena. (There will always be a freeware version of this program, however, with fewer features than the "pro" version.) Your feedback will help me to decide these issues.

Email your feature requests, comments and rants to: tangent@cyberport.com.