Coeli ~ Stella 2000Ö: Cheat Sheet


a / A Auto-Resolution ON-OFF // Aequator line ON/OFF

b / B Brighten (enlarge) all stars // Drain color all stars

c Center display

C Scintillation (twinkling) ON/OFF

d / D Dim (shrink) all stars // Deepen color all stars

e / E Face East // Ecliptic line ON/OFF

f / F Find by Name // Find by Designation

H Horizon view

Ctrl + i Image icons ON-OFF (with [ctrl+m])

j Star designations ON-OFF

k/K Brighten/darken sky

l / L Location browser // Location + Daylight Saving

Ctrl + L Live Ephemeris

m Forward x months

M Back x months

Ctrl + m Messier catalogue

n / N Face North // Label stars with common names

Ctrl + o Observation Log

p Planets ON/OFF

Ctrl + p Precession ON/OFF

r Registration form

R Restore original color palette (use after B or D)

Ctrl + r Reset field of view

s / S Face South // Dynamic Sky ON-OFF

t / T Time bar ON/OFF // Track star (Temporal Mode)

Ctrl + t Observing list

u Advance clock 1 sidereal day

w Face West

x Unzoom

y / Y Advance clock by x years // Retard clock by x years

z / Z Zoom // Zenith view

' Mirror image ON-OFF

@ / " Atmospheric effects ON-OFF

- Horizon line ON/OFF

/ Altitude/Azimuth grid ON/OFF

\ / " Constellation lines ON/OFF

| Constellation labels ON/OFF

# Include Flamsteed & catalogue numbers

, Retard clock by x hours

. Advance clock by x hours

< Retard clock by x days

> Advance clock by x days

[ / ; Retard clock by x minutes

] / : Advance clock by x minutes

+ More stars

- Fewer stars

= Equatorial (RA/Dec) Grid

INSERT Intermediate view

F1 Stella 2000 Online Guide

shift + F1 Stella 2000 Keys

F2 Azimuthal Equidistant Projection

F3 Azimuthal Equal-Area Projection

F4 Stereographic Projection

F7 Store Current Settings

shift+ F7 Retrieve Stored Settings

F9 Print Sky

shift+ F9 Printer Setup